Chapter 9

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I decided I would forget about what he said to me and help Katy with something.

"Hey Katy, Roman.. can you both follow me?" Katy looked confused also Roman, they both followed me.

"Okay I'll just be over there with Ashley and Matt, by the way look up." I whispered and walked away.

They both looked up and saw a MISTLETOE!

Katy owes me. I laugh, and before she knew it, Roman just went for a kiss, in the lips.

Katy looked surprise but she kissed him back. It turned into a make out! I'm so proud of myself.

"Okay time for Ashley, and Matt." I smiled while walking towards them.

"Hi Matt can I talk to you for a sec?" I asked. He nodded and followed me.

"Here, give this to Ashley. She always wanted it when she was in 8th grade." I gave him a box, it had Ashleys favourite earings.

"Thanks, I owe you one!" He smiled and brought the box to Ashley.

When Ashley opened it, she freaked. She put them on and I can tell that she couldn't controle herself, because she immediately just kissed him.

I'm a great friend. I laughed and spotted Alan and Stacey, laughing.

Alan was holding her hand! Aw... yep they're dating..

I saw Ms and Mr,D, Ms,Lutches, Mike, Abigail, and Ms,Woodrow talking to my mom.

Everyone was having a good time. But that's when I thought about Addis.

I walked up to him, he was playing with Lisa and Alice.

"What's up you guys?" I asked both of the girls.

"Nothing, we're just playing House." Lisa said.

"Who's which?" I asked.

"I'm the daughter she's the mommy and he's the brother." Alice said.

"What happened to the dad?" I asked.

"We don't have a dad.." Alice said looking down.

"I'm sorry Alice, I didn't know." I hugged her.

"I'll be right back okay you guys? I just need to talk to Mary real quick." The girls nodded and I followed him.

"I'm sorry Addis, I didn't know.. what happened?" I asked.

"Our dad was in the military, he was shot on his chest and he couldn't make it. The last time we saw him was last year." He looked down, about to tear.

I covered my mouth and hugged him.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have asked.." thats when I noticed, I heard his heart beating really fast.

I quickly let go and smiled.

"It's okay, it wasn't his fault, but I do miss him." He shook his head, looked at me with his beautiful hazel eyes, and smiled.

"Today was amazing though." He said.

I blushed and looked away, before I said anything stupid.

I guess you can say it was the best Christmas ever.

"Merry Christmas Addis." I looked at him.

"Merry Christmas Mary." He looked at the Christmas tree, and smiled.

AHHHHH!! I just made out with Roman guys!!
She text in the group chat.

Lol, really? That's great Katy!
Ashley texts.

Your welcome Katy.
I smiled

Oh yeah, I owe you one Mary.
Katy smiled.

Me too Mary.
Matt texted,blushing.

I heard you guys are dating now?
I said.

Yeah, Im really happy about it.
Matt said

Me too, thanks again for the earings Matt, there beautiful.
Ashley blushed.

Okay guys, I got to go to bed. Goodnight.
I didn't copy.

Katy said

Matt texts.

Goodnight Mary.
Ashley smiles.

A few weeks later, it was my birthday! I'm turning 18!

"Morning birthday girl." Mom woke me up with a breakfast in bed.

"Aw thanks mom.. mm that smells really good." I started to eat.

"Your welcome, anyway.. after you finish your food im gonna need you to get ready okay?" She asked.

"Anything for my mom." I smiled.

She smiled and left my room.

I heard a knock on my window..

I opened it and found Addis, smiling big at me.

"Your hair.. pfffft.." he tries to hold his laugh.

I checked my hair in the mirror, and it was everywhere! I quickly brushed it.

"Looks like your a morning person?" I asked while eating my food.

"Yep... I could tell your not." He smiled.

"I not but when my mom brings me breakfast, I'm always happy." I gave him a big smile.

"I see that." He stares at me, while I'm eating.

"Can I play you a song?" Before I even answered he took out a guitar.

I spit out my food. "You play guitar?"

"Yep, i wrote a song for you. May i?" He asked.


He sang the most touched songs i have never heard.. it almost made me cry...

"I love you Mary, I know it's soon but, I love you. And I won't stop loving you." He looked straight into my eyes and smiled.

He won't stop huh?

"Honey I need you to get ready for the day." Mom came in and saw Addis with a guitar.

"Oh good morning Addis." She said waving.

"Good morning Ms,Steel, I was just telling her Happy Birthday." He smiled.

"Aw, okay.." mom just stood there giving me a face.

"Thanks again Addis. See you later." I waved.

"See you later Mary." He winked and closed his window.

I closed mine and head to the take a shower.

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