Chapter 5

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I couldn't concentrate! Yesterday, was different... it's almost Christmas and I can't stop thinking about Addis..

Now I was even scared to see him in Math class.

But I did anyway...

The teacher gave us math problems and told us to answer the questions on our notebooks again. While we all were working on it she mentioned a project, we had to pick a partner..

I looked around to see if anyone besides Addis would want to partner up with me, but no luck.

I looked at Addison and he looked at me.

"Do you wanna?" We both say

"You go first." He said smiling.

"Do you wanna work on the project with me?" I asked, blushing.

"Sure meet me at your window." He smirked.

I nodded and quickly grabbed my book back.

When I got home I took a shower and waited for Addis.

"Can I come over?" He asked.

For some reason I feel so weird just looking at him. "S-sure. Um.." I stepped back and he came in.

"Hi.." he silently said.


"Okay let's start.." I got out a board, a notebook, and a pencil to write down some ideas.

"How about this one?" I pointed at one of the ideas and looked at him.

"Thats great! Okay I'll do the writing sence my handwriting is better than yours." He chuckled and took my pencil away from me.

"Fine and I'll do the coloring." I took out my crayons and noticed him giving me a confused look.

"Coloring?" He asked.

Is he stupid or something?

"Duh.. we have to make the project look nice! It can't just be black and white, plus we could get extra credit." I smiled and helped him out writing the idea.

He nodded and continues to write.

"Here you go Ms.Lutches." I gave our math teacher the project.

She looked at both of us with an impressive look.

"This is great! I love the coloring idea." She said and put an A+ on the project.

I looked at Addis with a look of I told you, and we both sat down on our desks.

When class was over I grabbed my book bag and started to walk out when I saw Katy with a boy named Roman.

I walked up to them with a huge smile on my face.

"Hi Katy! Hi Roman. What are you 2 doing here.. alone?" I asked and looked at Katy.

"I asked him if he could help me with the homework but sense you came and your good at math, you could help me instead heh heh." She blushed and waved goodbye to Roman. She grabbed my arm and took off.

"Really Mary?" She looked at me like I did something wrong.

"Ha.. I think you 2 are perfect for each other." I giggled.

She slapped my arm and sighed.

"I had a huge crush on him ever sense and I don't even know if he likes me back! I guess we have to wait until prom." She frowned.

"We? Who said I was going to prom?" I asked.

"I thought Addison was going to ask you?" She looked at me.

"Prom is like months away, which reminds me.. what do you want for Christmas?" I asked, smiling.

"Well I was thinking.. maybe.. I don't know, come to think of it.. I just want a kiss under a mistletoe with Roman." She daydreams.

I laugh, "what about you?" She asked looking at me.

"I don't know, I honestly could take anything from anyone, wither it's coal,rock, or dirt." I said.

"Whatever, have you finally become friends with Addison?"
Again with Addis?

"You don't even know if he likes me!" I blush.

"I know what he did at that dinner party though." She giggled.

"WHAT?! You were watching us?!" I blushed even harder.

"Well yeah I mean, who would go to there front yard and start making out with a hot guy? I mean don't worry I didn't tell anybody." She laughed.

"Don't get any ideas, I still don't like him and I never will.. he's just a boy and I'm not interested." I looked away.

"Whatever girl.. you will like him.. and you will be interested. Anyway text me when anything happens alright?" She asked and waved.

"Alright bye!" I started to enter my house when..


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