Chapter 11

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"Hi Addis! We were wondering if you wanted to play volleyball ball with us?" Katy asked.

Addis looked at Katy then looked at me, he was looking down..

"I'll be happy to." He said smiling.

"Great follow us!" Katy said.

I have a weird feeling he's looking at my butt.

I turned to the corner of my eye and he was?!


"Hey do you mind if we play with you guys?" Katy asked one of the boys, that was playing volleyball.

He looked at Katy up and down, then looked at me up and down twise.

"Sure, what's your name?" He winked at me.

Addis wasn't too happy when he saw, the boy was flirting.

"My name is Mary, this is Katy, and Addison." I introduced.

"Mary, your in my team, Katy on the other, and Patrick on mine. My name is Jay." He kept staring at me.

Jay? That sounds so familiar..

While we were playing, I kept having this feeling Jay was staring at me, and Addis kept making faces..

Is he jealous? HA, that's so childish.

"Your good. Okay you serf." Jay said giving me the ball.

"I don't know how to though.." I said, looking at the ball.

"I'll teach you." Jay said and showed me.

He's really nice.. he even looks familiar.

"Thanks." I start to serf, after we finished the game, our team won by the way.

"Thanks Jay, you we're a lot of help." I thanked him again, I felt a someone tap my shoulder and I turned around.

"Hey he's mine!" Before I knew it she punched me really hard on the nose.

"TRIXY?! We're not even dating! Oh god are you okay Mary?!" I heard Jay yell.

Addis picked me up. "Your bleeding, it's gonna be okay Mary, I'll take you to where you can rest." He said, a lot of girls were staring at both of us.. he carried me to a rock where I could sit.

This is so embarrassing, Pat's that strong?!

"Here, I hope you didn't mind me caring you?" He said giving me a napkin to stop the bleeding.

"I didn't mind, at all.. I was just talking to Jay, I wasn't getting any ideas." I said blushing really red, probably because Pat just caried me, and he's shirtless right next to me sitting down.

"I know your not interested, I already know you. Heck I got to admit.. I was getting jealous when he was flirting with you." He chuckled.

I just laughed..

"You think? But he does kinda look familiar though." I kept, trying to think to myself who he was..

Hm..wait,... it can't be..

"I have to go." I quickly ran to the hotel room, took a shower. And layed on my bed.

What's he doing here...


I started to cry, my eyes, my head hurts..

I heard a knock on the door, someone came in..

"Hey.. are you okay?" Addis asked sitting on the hotels desk chair.

"Jay... Jay... was my.. boyfriend.. that mom was talking about." I cried even more, covering my face.

"I can't believe that jerk broke up with you, even on your worst day.." he walked towards me and stood there staring down at me.

I can't hold it much longer! He's shirtless and I can't control myself!

I looked up at him, and I caught him by surprise, he landed on the bed, I was on top of him.. kissing him.

I felt his hands, through my hair. What am I doing?! He's such a good kisser though.. his chest feels so smooth.. we're just gonna be kissing, nothing inappropriate, mom would kill me if I was doing something.

When we stopped, we stared at each other.. "Sorry, I can't handle myself.. you should go and take a shower." I suggested, getting off of him.

"y-yeah.." he smiled at me, and kissed me on the forehead then walked to the restroom.

I just took out my phone and text Katy.

I said.

Hey, Mary where did you go?!
She asked.

Remember my Ex-boyfriend from 9th grade?
I asked.

Yeah? What about hi- oh... Jay was that boy we played with in volleyball... that jerk.
She said.

I'm in my hotel room if you want to come over, Addis taking a shower.
I said.

Mm.. okay, I'll ask if Matt, Roman, Ashley, and your mom could come too.. everyone has something for you.
She smiled.

Okay, thanks btw... see you there.
I said closing my phone.

Something for me? How sweet of them..

That's when I heard a knock on the door.

"We're here." Katy said entering the room.

"Thanks for coming guys." I said, smiling.

"No problem.. we heard about Jay and we couldn't controle ourselves so we kinda.. um.. talked to him." Matt said scratching his head.

"What did he say?" I asked, Addis finished showering and came to join the conversation.

"I told them to talk to Jay for you.." Addis said looking away.

I looked at him..

"He said, if you could give him another chance and he still loves you." Ashley said to me.

I shook my head.

"I gave him a punch on his stomach, he diserved it." Katy said, crossing her arms.

"Thanks.. I'm so glad I have friends like you guys.." I laughed, and hugged them.

"You should talk to Addis.. you should let him love you.. it is almost prom." I heard a whisper by Katy, I looked at Addis and he was just looking down.

I nodded, I should give him a try, he never gave up on me..
Roman handed me a birthday bag.

It was a charm bracelet!

"Roman you don't even know me?!" I looked at him.

"Katy could talk about you everyday." He said.

I gave him a hug and put the bracelet on.

"Thanks bro, it's beautiful." I commented.

I opened Katys present next.

"Earphones?! There amazing! Just what I needed Katy! Thank you so much." I smiled and put them in my purse.

"We all know how much you like music." Katy said.

"My turn!" Ashley yelled.

"Aw this shirt is adorable! I love it! Wait did you get it in Hollister?" I asked, getting excited.

She nodded. I hugged her and put the shirt on my side.

Matt and Mom had nothing, but I didn't mind. In fact i just laughed at the fact that they were looking at each other.

"Thanks guys! You all are the best!" I smiled and gave everyone a hug.

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