Chapter 13

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"Wow.. he seems cool." Addis smiles.

I nodded nervously.

"You look amazing today though." Addis comments.

"T-thank you.." I said nervously.

He laughs as he picks up my chin.

"Nervous much?" Addis smiles.

"I'm not nervous! I don't even know what your talking about!" I blushed even redder and stepped back.

"Heh.. I mean, what would you say if I asked you to go to prom with me? Mary?" He asked, getting closer.

I blushed as I stare at him speechless.

"I-I would say...y-yes.." I answered.

Did I just say yes? I said yes...I said yes... he asked me to prom!? AND I ANSWERED YES!

"What was that?" He asked, pretending he didn't hear me.

"Yes Addison.. I would love to go to prom with you (Addison)." I repeated.

He smiled and hugged me tight. "That's Amazing Mary!"

I smiled and teared up, hugging him back.

Once he let go, he asked. "What's wrong Mary?"

I started to cry. "It's just... I haven't been hugged tightly ever since my dad died..."

Addis kneels down to reach the hight that I was and wipes my tears away.

"Don't cry Mary... I bet your dad misses you more than you miss hi-- did that make any sense?" He joked.

I laughed and kisses his nose. "Very funny, Addis."

He laughs and stands up. "How about some ice-cream strawberry to clear things up?"

"Mm! Strawberry! I'm so excited!" I joke, sarcastically.

He shakes his head and rests his arm on top of my head.

"I just noticed your way shorter than me Mary." He laughs.

I pushed his arm away. "Short and proud."

We both started to laugh and continue to walk to the ice-cream shop.

"He asked you to PROM?!" Katy jumped up and down as we were in class at school.

"Katy? Please.." My science teacher demands.

Katy stopped jumping up and down but I already know she wants to scream. "AHHH!!"

"How did he ask you? Did he hug you or anything??" Katy whispered.

"He hugged me and he just asked me.." I daydream.

Katy stares at me like I needed to tell her more details.

"Whatever...I'm still waiting for Roman to ask me." Katy looks down.

I pat her back and smiled at her.

"He'll ask you. Trust me."

Katy smiles and grabs her book bag as the bell rings for lunch.

"You really think so Mary?" Katy asks.

"Ofcourse, I mean you both are so cute together!" I laugh.

"Are you saying that because he got you that amazing charm bracelet for your birthday?" Katy crosses her arms.

"Ofcourse not!" I joke and started walking to lunch.

"Hey wait up!" Katy runs towards me.

While walking/talking, we bumped into Addis. He was just standing there,near his locker.

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