Chapter 7

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It was Christmas Eve and for some reason I'm really excited.

Planning to wear anything nice today for Addis?
Katy asked with a winky face emoji.

I have to! My mom is forcing me.
I frowned.

Lol, your mom is awesome
She laughed

Whatever, I need to go, I have to go help mom wrap the presents.
I text.

Ok gurl, TTYL!

Before I even stood up I heard a knock on my window.

"Hey are you busy?" He asked.

"Well I was just about to go help my mom wrap some presents. Why?" I asked.

He smiled, "Can I join? I just wanted to hang out with you."

"We were gonna see each other tonight, but ok I bet my mom would love to see you." I blushed and stepped back.

He came in and I lead him to where my mom was.

"Hey mom, I hope you don't mind if Addis could join?" I asked mom,blushing.

"I don't mind at all, hi I'm so glad you came to help!" My mom said, hugging him happily.

"Heh, I'm glad I came to help Ms,Steel." He smiled and hugged my mom back.

"Mom the tree looks beautiful." I commented.

"Thank you, Alan helped me make it while you were at school." She smiled.

While we were wrapping the presents, I had to go to the restroom.

"Sorry I'll be right back, I have to go to the restroom." I told Addis and mom.

They both nodded.

After I used it I over heard my mom speaking to Addis.

"She had a very hard time when her father passed away, that was the time when her ex broke up with her." Mom said with pain in her voice.

Mom? She remembered..

"At that time she never wanted to love, she focused only on her grades, she hasn't been happy." My mom started to tear.

"I'm so sorry Ms, Steel." I heard Addis say.

"If you could please change her back into her normal self again, you don't need to be sorry." Mom said,sniffing.

"I'll do anything." He said.

"Do you like her? I don't mean as a friend but do you like her?" I heard my mom say.

I bet he doesn--

"I actually love her.."

I blushed really red..
No.. remember what happened with you and Jay.

"She thinks I'm just one of the guys, the ones who brake girls hearts, the ones that only like girls because of there looks, the ones who would leave girls.." he continued.

I mean, yeah but... why do I feel weird?! Just walk up to them already!?

"When she was little, her dad would always warn her about boys.. but what she forgot is that he also said, 'some could be good looking, some could be bad.. but what really matters is what's in the inside. Not every boy likes girls because they look pretty, rarely...some boys actually like you for you. And I need you to be careful, I need you to finish school and find your prince charming, my beautiful princess'" Mom remembered.

I quickly ran up to my room, and cried on my bed.
Making noice.

I can't believe I didn't remember that! Dad was always there for me.. why did he had to go! I miss you father.. I miss you..

I heard the door open...

"Mary?" It was Addis..

I looked up, tears coming out of my eyes.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this.." I blushed and put my face back down, hugging my knees tighter.

"Its okay...I'm really sorry.." He said, sitting next to me.

"It's not your fault.. I miss him.. I miss the way he sings to me every night.. I miss him reading stories... I miss him.." I cried even more.

I felt warm all of a sudden, and his hand picking up my chin.

"I'm sure your dad is very proud of you.. your making good grades.. you actually focused on your work instead of focusing on boys... but the way your mom talks about him, makes me think that he doesn't want you to just focus on school, he also wants you to have fun.. make new friends..and have the best memories of your last high school life.. he cares a lot about you, I care a lot about you." He wiped my tears away by rubbing his fingers around my cheeks.

I could feel myself burning to death, because of how close he heart was beating fast.

He smiled for sec. and looked down at my lips, he leaned in for a kiss and I let him..

I don't know what to do, Jay wasn't like this to me.. he never even bothered to ask how I was.. I should just listen Addison.. he's right, my dad is that kind of person who doesn't want me just to focus on my grades,he also wants me to have fun, and make amazing memories out of it..

It really looks like Addis does really like me.. it really looks like he does really care for me..

Addis might be 'just a boy' but he's different... at least to me.

Our kissing turned out to be a make out session..
But I was okay with it, we stopped when we heard the door bell ring.

We both laughed, and stood up.

"Thank you, Addison.. you were a lot of help." I blushed and suddenly felt really really weird.

"You finally call me by my real name." He smiled.

"Haha very funny.. anyway I bet the dinner party is about to start. I guess I'll see you then?" I asked punching his arm.

"See you then." He smiled and headed back to his place.

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