1. Her Life

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This story is about Hermione Granger. It sounds like a medieval age name. Well her parents are to be blamed. They named her after a character in the Shakespeare's play The Winter's Tale. Hermione hadn't been very happy with her name but now she has grown to love it.

Now a brief introduction about her.

Hermione is about to turn 16 on 19th of next month that is September. She is a student of Beauxbatons Academy. She pisses people off, easily and only 3 people in her life can put up with that. 2 are her parents and third one is her best friend Luna Lovegood. Many say that Hermione is completely oblivious to what goes around her. May be, but that's not completely true. She spends most of her time and intelligent brain in a heavenly place (as Hermione calls it) 'LIBRARY'. But she isn't completely ignorant.

She is usually called as Bookworm or a geek in her school. But she is quite ok with it. She doesn't mind people calling her these names. She thinks that it's a lot better than the names like 'babe' or 'baby' or something more stupid.

There are 3 girls in her school whom she detests the most. Cho Chang and her 2 minions Lavender Brown and Parvati Patil. They irritate Hermione to no end. They act like they are goddesses walking upon earth. They always make snide remarks upon Hermione. But Hermione doesn't react much to it which makes Cho and her gang angrier and they try to humiliate Hermione more and more.

Though Hermione is quite pretty, she isn't very optimistic about her looks. She has bushy brown hair, brown eyes, used to have large front teeth (though now they are normal due to braces she had to put on since childhood). But she thinks of herself as plain- jane. Her parents, especially her mom has told her a lot of times that she is beautiful but Hermione never takes it seriously.

Now about her parents, Robert Granger and Jane Granger. They both are dentist (you can imagine where she got her braces from). They make Hermione brush her teeth morning, noon and night. She doesn't like it but know it has its own advantage, as her teeth are better and stronger than most of the students in her class. But there is also the disadvantage; she is not allowed to eat sweets and chocolates as much as others, who don't have dentist parents.

She is more like her dad then her mom, that is less social or say almost anti-social.

So it can be concluded that she quite good at studies, almost on top of most of her classes, though not many notices it. It's an unsaid rule in her school, never to notice geeks. She is a member of math club and physics club and is not seen anywhere in sports.

That's it for intro. Now let's take a ride in her life and let's see what kind of bomb is going to explode in that and yes she is not an early riser (as many of you would be expecting from a bookworm), but that's where our story starts. Her Mom never forgets to wake her early in the morning. So here starts our ride...

"Hermione. Get up. It's already 6:30. You'll be late" Jane said pulling the covers off Hermione and switching on the lights.

"Mom let me sleep. I still have 2 hours before school starts and switch off the lights." Hermione said in sleepy voice while pulling covers back on her face.

"Now Hermione, your Aunt Martha would be arriving in an hour with your cousin. You should be ready by then." Jane said and left the room with lights still on.

"Argh...Aunt Martha. Just great." Hermione grumbled while getting off her bed and went towards the bathroom to get ready.

Aunt Martha Vane was a distant cousin of Hermione's dad. She lived in Lambeth a district of South London. She had always been giving Hermione, tips about how she could improve and better her plain looks and bushy hair. She had always compared Hermione with her blond daughter. Because of this Hermione never thought very great of her Aunt.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now