8. Let's Make A Deal

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Anyone, who would have entered the room of the one Hermione Granger in the morning of January 1st, would have seen a Hermione, smiling radiantly in her sleep. And for Hermione Granger, she was busy in dreaming about a certain green-eyed wonder.

For the whole night Hermione had many pleasant dreams about Harry Potter. And this time instead of being scared or confused of these dreams, she embraced them whole-heartedly.

For the major part of the night she had dreamt about kissing him and sometimes about dancing with him on the clouds.

"Hermione wake up." Jane shook Hermione from her dream slumber.

"What is it Mum?" Hermione said groggily. She was a bit annoyed as she was pulled out of her wonderful world of the fantasies. She opened an eye and looked at her mum who was hovering over her.

Jane took Hermione's hand and gently pulled her into a sitting position. She sat next to Hermione on the edge of the bed, looking at her daughter with an amused look in her eyes.

Hermione rubbed her eyes and looked at her mum."What?" she asked sleepily.

"I want to talk to you about something. I'll be waiting for you downstairs in the kitchen. Get ready and come down fast and by the way, Happy New Year." Jane said as she got up to leave. She kissed Hermione on her forehead and left the room.

'What does she want to talk to me about?' Hermione wondered.

She pulled herself out of her bed and made her way to the bathroom. After freshening up and brushing her teeth, Hermione made her way downstairs to the kitchen.

She decided to go downstairs in her sleeping attire only and put on a woolen jacket, as it was very cold. She had decided to take the shower later. She wanted to know what it was that her mum wanted to talk about.

When she reached to the kitchen, she found Romilda sitting there on the dining table and eating her breakfast. Hermione made her way in the kitchen and took a seat in front of Romilda. Romilda looked up and gave her a look of disdain and went back to her breakfast.

Hermione ignored Romilda's arrogance and looked at her mum and said "Hey Mum, Good Morning". Hermione took a toast in her plate and started eating.

"Morning Hermione," Jane replied. She joined Hermione and Romilda on the table with a plate of pancakes. She poured some orange juice in the glasses for Hermione, Romilda and herself and took a pancake in her plate.

"Where's Dad?" Hermione asked, taking a pancake in her plate. It was a holiday at the clinic but she didn't find her dad in the kitchen with them.

"He left early morning with James and some of his other friends, for some kind of adventurous trip." Jane replied, rolling her eyes, remembering something.

"What? Dad on an adventurous trip? You must be joking." Hermione said with astonishment.

Jane just shook her head. "No, seriously, you should have seen him in the early morning. He was talking non-stop, about his trip with James. I think James is finally bringing out a side of your dad we all including your dad, were unaware of." Jane said with a laughing voice.

"Yeah, I think you are right. Dad on an adventurous trip. I just don't believe it." Hermione said in a dazed voice, but she quickly recovered.

"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" Hermione asked, looking at her mum with a curious expression on her face. As Hermione was looking at her mum she missed the smug look that had came over Romilda's face.

Jane looked at Hermione with a thoughtful expression, making Hermione feel extremely nervous under her stare.

"What is it mum?" Hermione asked again, getting a bit frustrated.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now