6. New Feelings And Confusion

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"Hermione wake up." Luna shouted, pulling the covers off Hermione.

"Mmmm....Luna, what are you doing here, this early?" Hermione asked sleepily, as she sat up and checked the time on her alarm clock on the bedside table, which showed 7:05 A.M.

"What do you think, I am doing? Trying to wake you up, of course." Luna said, as though if it was the most obvious thing in the world, making Hermione roll her eyes.

"Why did you left early, last evening?" Luna asked Hermione, looking at her closely.

Hermione looked at Luna, rubbing away the sleep from her eyes. "You noticed? I thought, you had already forgotten about me, the moment you stepped on the dance floor, with that redhead." Hermione said, with a smirk on her face.

Luna blushed furiously, hitting Hermione on her arm, good-naturedly.

"Don't try to change the subject, Hermione. And look, who's talking, the girl who was in the arms of second hottest guy in the city." Luna said mischievously.

Hermione felt confused at this.

'Second hottest? I think he's the hottest......wait...... why am I thinking like this, about him? It's Romilda's job, after all she was the one, fawning all over him, last evening.' Hermione thought dryly.

Hermione pulled herself out of her musings, with great difficulty.

"Second hottest?" She said, looking at Luna, with a quizzical look on her face.

"Yes, Ron is the first on the list." Luna replied, with a lazy smile on her face and a faraway look in her eyes. Then she again looked at her best friend.

"So why did you left?" Luna asked again.

"Err...Well I was not feeling well." Hermione said, faltering a bit.

"Really?" Luna asked, with the raised eyebrows, as she sat on the bed, in front of Hermione.

"Yeah" Hermione mumbled, trying to avoid Luna's eyes.

"Hmm...Because if I remember, you were dancing with Harry Potter, and next I saw, you were not there. Did something happen between you two?" Luna asked teasingly, with a mischievous look in her eyes.

"Of course not. You are insane to think, that something happened." Hermione said crossly.

"Relax Hermione. I was just joking. Now seriously, what happened?" Luna asked, looking serious.

"Nothing happened between us. It's just that, all those feelings of being close to a boy, for the first time, were just so new and unfamiliar for me. I mean, I have never been in the close proximity of the opposite sex before, who's not a family. It was just a bit odd, I suppose. That's it." Hermione said, trying to sound sincere. Luna nodded with understanding.

"Anyways, since my so called best friend left me to be with someone else. Care to tell me about our dear, Mr. Ronald Weasley?" Hermione said, trying to change the subject, which Luna didn't seem to notice, as she lost herself in the thoughts about the boy she had met last evening.

Luna smiled brightly. She lay back on the bed, looking at the ceiling dreamily.

"It was amazing. He was so sweet and considerate. He listened to me, I mean really listened to me. He didn't make fun of me, like some others did with me in the past. And also he has very beautiful blue eyes. He asked me about our school. He even ignored my unskilled dancing, though it was him who stepped on my toes most of the time. And he loves food and doesn't hesitate to show it. And..." Luna looked at Hermione "I have never felt anything like this ever before for anyone." Luna finished in her trademark dreamy voice.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now