15. Dinner At The Potter's Place

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Once Romilda left, Hermione closed the door and took a deep breath.

"What the hell is happening today?" She said looking around her room as though if expecting the answer to jump out from some corner of the room.

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Hermione, her parents, and Romilda were standing outside the house of James and Lily Potter. Jane pressed the doorbell and four of them waited for somebody to open the door.

After waiting for two minutes the door opened, showing a first surprised, and then a happy Lily Potter.

"Jane," Lily said excitedly, hugging Hermione's mum.

After pulling away from Jane, Lily welcomed her guests inside.

The house was a modest one, yet a modern two-story structure with a beautiful garden in the front.

Lily led them through a big and luxurious hallway and into a spacious living room, which was made with a stylish red and white theme. The floor was made of rich wood and the whole room was filled with soft evening sunlight, streaming through the large casement window on the left wall. The couch set was facing towards the window.

"Nice place you've got here." Robert said looking around the living room admiringly.

"Yeah, you have very good taste, Lily." Jane agreed with her husband.

"Thank you Jane." Lily replied gratefully. She gestured for the others to take a seat.

"I hope we aren't too early." Jane asked feeling a little tentative.

"Not at all, dinner is almost ready. Make yourself at home." Lily said.

Robert, Jane and the girls sat on the couch making themselves comfortable.

"Do you need any help?" Jane asked.

"No thank you, all you need to do is make your-self comfortable here. I'll be back in a minute." Lily replied and walked back to the door of the room.

"James!" She shouted loudly.

Hermione almost fell from the couch. She looked at her parents and Romilda. They also had the shocked expressions on their faces.

"Oh sorry," Lily said sheepishly, turning red as she walked back into the living room, "This way he comes faster." She said.

All her guests just stared at her looking stunned, and the next moment Robert started laughing and soon others joined him as well, including their host.

The next minute, Hermione saw how successful Lily Potter's ploy was as James Potter came rushing into the living room, breathing hard.

"You called dear?" He said, coming and standing behind his wife with a fearful look on his face.

Others watched as Lily turned around to look at her husband.

""James, I..." Lily started turning around, but she stopped.

"Did you eat one of my chocolate pastries?" She asked in a threatening voice.

James gulped and shook his head. "No dear, I didn't." He said innocently.

"Really?" Lily said with narrowed eyes. "Then, what is this?" She asked running her finger on the corner of her husband's lips.

Lily showed something brown to her husband, which looked like melted chocolate.

"I...I don't know where it came from." James stammered stepping backwards. Everyone was quiet as Lily stared at her husband, crossing her arms across her chest. It looked like James was going to get a long lecture from his wife.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now