14. Shock or Surprise

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Robert Granger felt himself to be the luckiest man on the planet Earth. He had a very beautiful and a sensible wife. He was a proud father and he had the best daughter in the whole world, Hermione Granger.

Story of Hermione's birth had been quite interesting. She was born in a car. When Jane's water broke, Robert had quickly rushed to the hospital with Jane and her mother, who was staying with them to take care of her pregnant daughter.

Hermione was born even before they reached to the hospital. Fortunately, Jane's mother was a gynecologist. She had prepared in advance for any kind of circumstances, and hence, she managed to bring the situation under control. She had asked her son-in-law to continue driving as she took care of a very tired looking and almost unconscious Jane.

Once they reached to the hospital, Jane and the baby were admitted straight away. After sometime, Robert saw his daughter for the first time. He took her in his arms, holding her so delicately, as though if she was made of the finest china or she was the most precious jewel in the entire world.

Robert had been the happiest man the day his wife told him that they were going to have a baby. However, that happiest Robert was nothing, compared to the Robert who held his daughter for the first time in his arms after her birth.

For him, his daughter was a miracle. She was the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on. He and Jane named her Hermione, a special name for their special daughter.

It was amazing as well as funny to see Hermione growing up from a toddler to a 16-year-old girl. Robert had so many memories of his little girl since the day when he held her for the first time in his arms. Like other children, Hermione never used to cry much. She wasn't a difficult child and it was always easy to please her.

Dee was the first word she spoke. Robert was convinced that Hermione was going to say Daddy. He even argued with Jane who said that the word sounded nowhere close to Daddy. In the end, he accepted, but from then on, he started trying to teach Hermione how to speak Daddy, he even tried to get something close to Dad or Da from her. Finally, to his relief one day Hermione did learn to say Da, but it didn't come under any memorable circumstances for the poor Robert.

That day Jane had gone to meet her mother and Robert was alone at home with little Hermione. He was feeding Hermione with the baby food. Hermione was eating like a good child without any resistance. All of a sudden, she vomited everything out on Robert's clothes. Robert was shocked and just stared at his daughter disbelievingly. For some reason Hermione found it very amusing, she pushed the bowl filled with baby food on the floor. Then, she began chanting Da Da and started laughing along with it.

Robert was very happy that his teaching lessons were finally showing the desired result. However, this happiness was short-lived as Hermione continued her hymn of Da Da for the whole day. Whenever Robert tried to make her eat something, she would just push the food on the floor and Robert had to clean the whole mess. Finally, when Jane came back from her mother's place, Robert felt a little relieved.

It wasn't until past midnight that Hermione finally got tired and went to sleep. Robert was completely knackered by the time he went to bed. Jane asked her husband that what really set off Hermione to carry on her Da Da song, but Robert never told his wife the real reason for why and how Hermione learned to say Da Da.

As much as Robert enjoyed watching his daughter growing up, it was hard for him to grasp that one day his little daughter won't be so little anymore. He didn't want his daughter to go out and face the cruel world alone, but he knew all this was a part of learning and living a life.

When Hermione stepped into her teenage, Robert was a little worried about his daughter. Hermione had a little difficulty in adjusting in her school. She didn't make many friends. When Hermione had started going to school, many times she would come home crying, saying that other kids made fun of her. As she grew up, things didn't change. However, thanks to Jane Hermione learned to face those who made fun of her. Robert was never good at handling his teenage daughter's haywire emotions so he let Jane handle the situation.

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