16. Friendship Getting Stronger

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"Hermione, wake up." Somebody shook Hermione from her deep slumber

"What is it?" Hermione said groggily, trying to pull comforter over her face.

A soft laugh ricocheted thought the room.

Hermione removed the comforter from her face and realized that it was her cousin, Romilda, who was trying to wake her up.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked bluntly bringing herself into sitting position.

"Good morning to you as well, dear cousin, and I came here to wake you up. You better hurry up or we won't be able to catch the bus on time." Romilda said teasingly.

Hermione could do nothing but stare, as her cousin left the room breezily.

"What has gotten into her?" Hermione mumbled getting up from her bed.

Romilda usually never liked to come in her room, let alone wake her up. However, today she had not only come into her room, but she had awakened her up as well.

This just strengthened Hermione's suspicions towards her cousin's motives behind her friendly behavior. It had been just a day since Romilda had started behaving like a caring cousin and she was acting as if there had been nothing wrong between her and Hermione in the past.

"She's surely up to something." Hermione grumbled making her way towards the bathroom to get ready.

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Hermione was already dressed and she was putting on her shoes, when her mum knocked on the door.

"Hermione," Jane said from other side of the door.

Hermione opened the door of her room "Yes mum," She said

"Harry's on the phone." Jane said with a secret smile and left.

Hermione looked surprised, but quickly composed herself and followed her mum out the door.

"Hello," Hermione said picking up the receiver.

"Hey Hermione, Good morning," Harry spoke from the other side of the phone.

A smile crept over Hermione's face. "Morning Harry,"

"I wanted to ask you if you could help me with my project today." Harry asked.

Hermione contemplated for a moment, and then spoke.

"Can you come over my place in the evening?" She asked.

"Your place?" Harry asked nervously.

Hermione just laughed at his reaction. "Yes Harry, my place. It would be easier to help you as all my study material is here." She said.

"Will your father...I mean your parents are okay with me coming over? I am your boyfriend after all." Harry said. Hermione could hear the smile in his voice.

"Yeah, last night I asked mum about it. She said she has no problem as long as the only thing we are doing is study." Hermione said with a laugh, her face turning red.

"Really. What does she think we would be doing other than the study?" Harry asked teasingly.

"Oh shut up, Harry. You know what I mean." Hermione admonished lightly.

Harry just laughed. "Okay," He said, "So what time will suit you?"

"I'll be back from the school around 3:30. Will you be able to come by 4?" Hermione asked, "I mean your practice gets over by 6, so even if you come after 6 I have no problem with that." She added hastily.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now