18. Really Real

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Hermione closed her diary and put it back into her bag. She was feeling very tired. After completing her homework, she added some more things in her personal diary that she had been using since she had started fake dating Harry. After putting her bag away, she switched off the lights of her room and got into her bed for a good night's sleep.

Hermione thought about the events that had occurred in last couple of days. She had been in a much better mood since the day she had told her mum about the bet and that was three days back. She felt as though if a huge weight had been lifted off her shoulders.

However, she still had a worry on her mind to think about. She still hadn't told Harry that her mum knew about the bet. She was scared of his reaction. Even though she was sure, Harry had no interest in her romantically, he had become a very good friend of hers, and she didn't want to lose his friendship.

She had very strong feelings for him and knew that it would hurt her badly if she lost his friendship, after all friendship was better than not having anything at all. She still couldn't comprehend why in just a matter of almost three months they had become such good friends, almost best friends.

Perhaps having a good friendship with someone had nothing to do with time, but their nature and personality.

Right! That was a better explanation for the closeness she and Harry shared now just in a span of almost three months. She trusted Harry almost completely and it didn't scare her rational mind that in a span of just a little under three months her life had changed completely.

Now she just had to find out a way to tell Harry that her mum knew about the bet, that too without angering him or risking their friendship.

On other hand, Harry was even in a bigger trouble as compared to Hermione.

He had tried to find a way to tell Hermione about abandonment of the bet, but didn't know how to. The simplest way was to talk to her, but various possibilities of her reaction scared him.

Things were confused at the moment. First, he didn't want to lose her friendship. Then he wanted more than friendship with her, and then he had to find a way to reveal about cancelling of bet to Hermione without making her angry.

Surely, he could tell her that he cancelled the bet for her and because he really had started to have feelings for her, that he really liked her. But would she believe him that his feelings were genuine and not some part of the fake dating thing.

The main reason for Harry's concern was that whether Hermione would believe him or not. He was scared what if she thought that he simply wanted to make fun of her. She had once admitted to him that before meeting him she had thought him to be arrogant and stuck-up just like Cho.

Despite all his fears and confusions, Harry could still see a major positive thing that could turn the events in his favor. Hermione had told him that her views about him had changed, and she knew he was different from what she thought earlier. It was a soothing thought for Harry that Hermione was a rational person and would give him a chance to explain himself before reaching on any kind of judgment, especially now that she knew him so well.

Besides, he had noticed that Hermione couldn't stay mad at him for long. She didn't like to hold grudges, especially against him.

Now he just had to make decision about when to disclose everything in front of Hermione, including his feelings. There was no point going over it repeatedly. Someday he would have to tell her, then why not now. He had to believe that Hermione would listen to him, that she wouldn't discard his reasoning and feelings. He knew he would have to tell her everything before end of March when time of the bet was supposed to be over.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now