5. Here Comes The Harry Potter

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After Harry stopped the car in front of the Granger's house, Hermione quickly got out of the car and made her way to the front door. Harry simply chuckled at her behavior.

'It's going to be an interesting evening.' He thought smiling inwardly.

"Sorry for her behavior. I'll take you inside." Romilda said shyly, getting out of the car.

"No problem." Ron said, as he too, got out of the car.

Harry parked his car, where few other cars were parked, outside the house. He got out of the car and made his way towards, where Romilda and Ron were standing, waiting for him.

"Let's go inside." Ron said. Romilda and Harry nodded in agreement.

Romilda led them inside, through the front door, which was already open. Harry found the house, pretty big. It had some kind of, an old but elegant look to it and felt very cozy. Romilda led them to living room, where Jane was talking to someone on her cell phone. When she saw Romilda coming in with Ron and Harry, she cut off the line.

"Hello. I am Jane Granger and you must be Harry." She said looking towards Harry.

Harry smiled and nodded "Hello Mrs. Granger. I am Harry and my best friend, Ronald Weasley." Harry replied, gesturing towards Ron.

"It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Granger. I am sorry I came here, without any invitation." Ron said uncertainly.

"Don't feel sorry. It's a family time, you are most welcome here. Now come on, quickly move to the backyard or the entire foodstuff would be finished. Romilda, you take them to backyard. I'll be there in a few minutes." Jane said and hurried back to the kitchen.

Romilda gestured Harry and Ron, to follow her.

"She looks really hot. Doesn't she?" Ron whispered to Harry, gesturing towards Romilda, who was walking in front of them.

"Yeah" Harry replied absentmindedly, looking around the house, as they made their way to the backyard. They reached to the backyard, which was already full with the people.

"Wow. It's a very big family, almost beats my own." Ron said with awe.

"Yeah, but not all of them are Grangers. Some of them are Thompsons, Aunt Jane's family before marriage." Romilda said, giving a quick glance towards Harry, who was looking around the backyard. She was getting a bit frustrated. From the time when she had met Harry, he didn't show even a little bit interest in her.

"So Harry, what do you think?" Romilda said, trying to catch his attention.

"Huh...Oh it's a very big backyard and the family. And Romilda, thanks for bringing us here. If you don't mind I would like to go and meet my parents." Harry said amiably, giving her a charming smile.

"Y...yeah sure" Romilda said, looking flushed.

Harry nodded and looked around for his parents.

"C'mon Ron" Harry said, as he noticed his parents, sitting on a table and talking to a man.

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Lily saw Harry and Ron, coming towards them and got up from her seat, to greet them.

"Harry" Lily said, acknowledging his presence.

"Mum, Dad, Merry Christmas" Harry said with a genuine smile, as he reached to the table and hugged his mom.

"Same to you Harry." James said with delight, as he too, stood up, to greet his son.

"How are you Ron and rest of your family?" he asked his son's best friend.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now