17. Hiding And Revealing

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"What about bet?" Seamus asked looking curious.

Harry was quiet for a moment. Then gathering his courage he finally spoke.

"Let's call the bet off." Harry said with a glint of determination in his eyes.

❾¾ ❾¾❾¾❾¾ ❾¾❾¾❾¾

"Harry," A 16-year-old boy with messy black hair, emerald-green eyes, and round spectacles felt someone shaking him.

"Huh?" Harry responded, disoriented. His eyes fell on the brunette sitting next of him.

"What's wrong with you?" Hermione asked irritatingly.

"Me? Nothing," Harry said shaking his head, trying to look innocent.

"Really," Hermione said with raised eyebrows.

"Y...Yes," Harry said struggling to sound convincing.

"Okay," Hermione said, nodding, "Then, can you please tell me, what's happening in the movie? Because, to be honest, it's just going completely over my head." She said innocently.

It was Tuesday of the second week of March. Harry, Hermione along with Ron and Luna had gathered at Harry's place. Football practice for Ron and Harry was over before the scheduled time, four of them had gathered at Harry's place for the study session of the day, and Romilda hadn't joined them, as she was not feeling well.

Harry's parents were at work. Only adult present at the home was the housekeeper, Elizabeth.

Since Ron and Harry were knackered due to their practice, they had decided to watch a movie and relax for some time. Although Hermione wasn't very happy with the idea, looking at the pleading face of Harry she just gave in.

Harry had led them to home-movie-theater room in his house.

After telling Ron to take out a movie from the collection of various movies available in the room, Harry had gone to the kitchen to bring something to eat for four of them.

And that's where now four of them were sitting at the moment. Harry and Hermione were on the couch, keeping a safe distance between them, which was appropriate for friends. Ron and Luna decided to sit on the floor, cuddling.

"Movie?" Harry was just so lost in his thoughts that he had completely forgotten that they were watching the movie.

"Yes Harry, movie," Hermione said with an amused smile.

"Yes Harry, you know series of moving pictures with dialogues." Ron chipped in.

Harry was finally back into his element, as he glared at Ron.

"I know what a movie is." He growled.

"We know that you know Harry." Luna teased, something that she seldom did, except in case of Hermione of course.

The comment made by his girlfriend pushed Ron off the edge as he burst out laughing, and immediately followed by Hermione and Luna.

"You guys are absurd." Harry groaned getting up from his seat, but Hermione grabbed his hand and pulled him back on the couch beside her.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked.

However, Harry wasn't following what Hermione was asking, instead his eyes were focused on their joined hands. For a moment, everything faded. Harry was overcome with a desire of holding Hermione in his arms as he looked at her face. Hermione blushed under his intense gaze.

They both knew something was bubbling under the surface, but none of them was willing to take the first step due to the fear of the undesirable consequences they might face.

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