3. Christmas Preparations

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From next day onwards Hermione and her family along with her unwanted cousin (only on Hermione's part) became very busy in preparations of Christmas.

As Robert and Jane have to go at work as well, lots of responsibilities came upon Hermione and Romilda. And as Miss Vane has to go to meet Draco Malfoy, it was Hermione who has to do most of the works. It was decided that major shopping would be done by Hermione's parents while small items shopping like decoration items and other little things were to be bought by Hermione, and as per her parents, Hermione and Romilda.

Hermione's mom always tried some new and special kind of decorative items. So she made a list & gave it to Hermione.

It took Hermione a good part of next 3 days to search for the place where she could get all the needed items. Hermione wasn't very much into shopping. Even to buy her own cloths, she would just go for once and bring all she needed in one shopping trip. Only thing she absolutely loved to shop was books. According to her one just couldn't get enough books.

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So, next few days were all about shopping. All Hermione did was shopping for what her mom wanted.

She also received mails from Luna. She was having a great time in states. She had met a boy there, more kind of a guide. It seemed like she had started to crush over him. She even sent some pictures of hers from states. Occasionally they did call each other. When Hermione told her about Romilda dating Malfoy, Luna burst out laughing. They both made lots of jokes about it, until Hermione's mom told her to go to sleep, as Hermione was talking to Luna during midnight. Hermione had always been a Mamma's girl, so it was quite natural she had to agree with her mom.

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It was a kind of a tradition in Hermione's family that is her mom, dad and Hermione herself. Hermione and her dad would decorate the Christmas tree and then they would help Hermione's mom in preparing food and stuff for dinner party. This year Hermione's Uncle and Aunt, John and Sally Smith had also arrived 2 days before Christmas and were going to stay with Hermione and her parents till the day next to Christmas. They were also going to help in Christmas dinner preparations.

Uncle John was cousin of Robert and Aunt Sally was a school friend of Jane. They both met at Hermione's parents' marriage and hooked up immediately. Hermione liked both of them. Especially Uncle John, he was kind of fun to be with. He always lightened up a tense situation and also he was a good cook. Chocolate Pie had been his specialty and Hermione loved it. Hermione had been closest to him in all the aunts and uncles she had. And Aunt Sally, she was a bit strict, though not with Hermione.

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So 2 days before Christmas Hermione and her dad were decorating the tree. Jane had already told them how she wanted every item to be placed on the tree. And then she started working on the food and stuff. John, Sally and Romilda were helping Jane in the kitchen. It was already evening time.

"So pumpkin how's been your school so far?" Robert asked Hermione while they were working on the tree. Hermione was sitting on the floor handing him the decoration items.

"Nothing out of normal dad, it's always the same for me. You know that." Hermione replied.

Once they were done with the decorations, Robert spoke.

"So how does it look?" Robert asked moving a bit further away from the tree to have a better look. Hermione went towards where he was standing.

"It's absolutely brilliant dad." Hermione exclaimed happily. She was feeling really good and excited. She loved to work with her dad. They both made an excellent team.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now