7. New Year Ball

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Hermione burst out laughing at this. "Honestly dad, like that's ever going to happen." She said and left the room, leaving her bewildered parents behind.

Jane smiled and whispered "We'll see."

"What?" Robert asked in a perplexed manner.

"Nothing dear, now come on let's go or we would be late." Jane said, as she left the room with Robert to go to the ball.

❾¾ ❾¾❾¾❾¾ ❾¾❾¾❾¾

Luna was already there when Hermione arrived downstairs.

"Hey Luna, when did you arrive?" Hermione asked, coming downstairs. Luna was standing near the stairs as Hermione came down.

Luna was going to the ball with the Grangers. She was going to meet Ron, her date for the evening, at the ball.

Luna's parents, Xenophilius and Avellana Lovegood also had friendly connections with the James and Lily Potter; hence they were also invited for the ball. But due to an urgent meeting about their magazine The Quibbler, they were not going to attend the ball. So they had asked Robert and Jane, if they could take Luna with them.

"I just arrived here a couple of minutes back. Your dad let me in." Luna replied.

When Hermione reached down, to where Luna was standing, she realized that Luna was looking very beautiful. She was wearing a shimmering light blue off shoulder gown, flowing down to her ankles. Her blond colored hairs were gracefully falling down to her waist in the soft curls. She was wearing a simple necklace, which Hermione knew belonged to her Grandmother.

"Luna, you are looking gorgeous." Hermione said in an appreciative voice.

"Thanks Hermione. You are also looking very stunning." Luna said sincerely.

"Yeah, I know." Hermione said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Hermione" Luna said sternly "Why do you always act like this, whenever somebody praises you for your looks? You are a pretty girl. Believe it."

"Luna, let's not talk about it right now. I am looking forward to completely enjoy this evening." Hermione said firmly.

"Okay, but we will talk about it later. You are not getting off this topic, so easily." Luna replied with a determined look on her face.

"Hello Luna dear." Jane said, as she along with Robert came down "I hope you weren't waiting for long."

"Hello Mrs. Granger. I just arrived here a couple of minutes back." Luna said politely.

"Yeah, it was just a couple of minutes." Robert said who had opened the door for Luna.

"So, shall we leave, my 3 dear ladies?" Robert asked playfully.

Hermione just rolled her eyes, while Luna laughed. And Jane...she just smiled at her husband.

"Of course Rob, let's go." Jane said, taking Robert's hand and leading all of them out of the house, where their car, Mercedes-Benz CL550 was parked. Usually Robert had this habit of driving the car by himself on the family excursion, but for the New Year Ball, he had asked Hermione's Uncle, John Smith, to send his driver for the evening.

Robert took the front seat and Jane, Hermione and Luna settled themselves on the backseat. Car was going at normal speed, neither too slow nor too fast. It took them about 45 minutes to reach at the Potters' place. They were just a couple of minutes late from the given time.

As Potter's family was one of the oldest families of London, they owned a very big manor, having an ancient but very well maintained and elegant look to it. It was completely decorated with bright lights and various kinds of flowers, making it look incredibly wonderful. Hermione was simply amazed to see the place.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now