20. Moving Towards The End

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And she felt like she belonged here with Harry, in his strong and safe arms, and everything was right in the world as long as he was there with her.

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"Every time we do it, it just keeps getting better than the last time." Harry said breathing hard as he pulled back from his one-week old girlfriend.

"You're right." Hermione whispered resting her head on Harry's shoulder.

Harry gathered her in his arms and slowly slid down on the floor, his back leaning against the wall.

"It's very peaceful here, especially with you here with me." Hermione said looking towards the sky where tiny stars had started to appear as the daylight started to fade.

"It's hard to believe that we are together for real." Harry said to Hermione, kissing her lightly on forehead.

Hermione pulled back a little to look into his eyes.

"I feel the same way. It's hard to believe that you want to date somebody like me." She said turning a little red. She was glad that it was getting dark, so that Harry could not see her blushing.

"You know that should be my line." Harry said, kissing softly on Hermione's lips.

"Why?" She asked looking confused, "You're Harry Potter, handsome, popular, and you can have any girl you want." She said.

"Well, I want you." Harry said. Hermione just laughed and gave him a long passionate kiss, leaving him breathless and out of sorts.

"Wow!" Harry said with a lopsided grin. Hermione was finding it difficult to keep the goofy smile off her face as she looked at her boyfriend. She settled herself once again in his arms and looked back towards the sky.

"So did you like Hogwarts?" Harry asked as he pulled her rubber-band from her hair to let her wavy tresses fall down gracefully. He started running his fingers through her hair, revelling in the soft texture of them.

"I have no words to describe. It...It feels like a fairy tale, you know, castle, lake, vast grounds, it's just remarkable. I wish I was a student here." Hermione said. She shivered a little as chilly breeze passed through her body. She snuggled up into Harry, wrapping her arms around his waist as he tightened his arms around her to keep her warm.

"Why don't you study your last year of school here at Hogwarts?" Harry asked unexpectedly, after a silence of few minutes.

Hermione once again pulled back from him to look at his face. He looked back at her with a thoughtful expression.

"Is it possible?" She asked hopefully.

"I think it is. I mean you have to leave your school and take admission here. It should not be that difficult. You should talk to Prof. McGonagall. She's in-charge of admission procedures here." Harry explained.

Hermione nodded. "First I'll have to talk to my parents." She said, "and...Luna as well." She added.

Harry nodded and checked his watch. "We should better get back before your dad starts a rescue mission searching for you." He said in an amused voice. Hermione just laughed.

"Does my dad really scare you that much?" She asked.

"Well it's an unspoken rule that a boy should always be scared of his girlfriend's father." Harry replied laughing.

"Oh honestly!" Hermione just shook her head.

They both got up and fixed their slightly dishevelled appearances, and taking her rubber-band from Harry, Hermione tied her hair back in a ponytail.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now