4. Let's Meet The Potters

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Christmas day was turning out to be a very busy day for Hermione and her family. Rest of her extended family members had started to arrive, by the noon time. Granger family was a large family. Many of them lived outside Europe, so it was not possible for them to attend the dinner party every year. But those who lived near London attended the party every year. So majority of the noon and early part of the evening was spent with welcoming the guests and exchanging the gifts with them.

Hermione's mum was Jane Thompson, prior to her marriage. So in Christmas dinner party, every year, both Granger and Thompson families always joined together as one, to celebrate. But it was called as Grangers' Gathering as Grangers were always more than the Thompsons, in the party.

Hermione had lots of aunts and uncles, from her dad and mum sides' families. She also had many cousins. But her favorite person was her Granny (her mum's mum). She adored her grandmother a lot. And Hermione too, was the most favorite grandchild of her grandmother. Her grandparents from her dad's side were not going to attend the dinner party, since they were on a vacation, in the Caribbean.

Hermione had gotten a necklace from her Granny and Grandpa (her mum's father), as a Christmas gift. Even Hermione, who didn't have much idea about the jewelry, could see that it was a beautiful piece of work. Her Grandpa had gifted the necklace to her Granny, on her first birthday after their marriage.

Hermione was speechless when she saw the necklace. She didn't have the words, important enough, to thank her Granny for giving her something so beautiful, so personal.

"Oh Granny, it's so beautiful." Hermione managed to whisper, looking at the necklace with awe.

"Of course it is dear. Your Grandpa gifted this to me, on my first birthday after our marriage." She said lovingly, remembering the day her husband surprised her with the gift. She told Hermione, the story behind the necklace and how Hermione's Grandpa had surprised her.

Later Hermione's grandparents had left the house, as they had to catch the flight for their fifth honeymoon.

Hermione's family had a history or more like an unintentional tradition of love marriages. Almost, all the marriages in Grangers and Thompsons' family were love marriages, including Robert and Jane. But to Hermione, it looked like she was going to break the tradition.

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Finally, around 6 in the evening, whole family were gathered in backyard of the house. All the arrangements for the party were setup there, as house was not big enough for so many people. Tables were set up all around the backyard. Foods and drinks were kept on the different tables, as it was a self service party. Fires were set up all around, so as to keep warm. A small area in the backyard was adorned with additional bright lights for dancing and a disco jockey was hired to play the music. Everyone was enjoying the party, having lots of fun with talking, drinking, dancing and eating.

Around 6:30 pm, Hermione and Jane were in the kitchen. Hermione was helping her mom in bringing some food articles to the backyard, when doorbell rang.

"Hermione, take these 2 dishes of éclairs and biscuits to the backyard, I'll bring the rest. Now I should go and open the door. It must be the Potters." Jane said hurriedly, making her way to open the door.

Hermione did, as was told. Once she put the dishes on the table, she settled herself on a table, waiting for her mum to come back. She looked towards her dad, who was busy talking with Charles, her mum's brother. Hermione felt a bit lonely and missed her best friend. She had tried to call Luna in the morning, but line was engaged. She was also hoping that Luna would call her, as she wasn't able to, but there were no calls. She smiled inwardly, thinking about what would have Luna said if she knew that Harry Potter was coming to the party.

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