10. Where The Hell Are You Harry?

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Hermione Granger was content with her life but that was until someone came in and turned it upside down.

She was the geeky bookworm Granger to everyone in her school. No one bothered to show any interest in her. She was almost invisible to them, but then now why they were suddenly interested in her? Why was she getting invitations from popular students from her class and school, asking her to join them on their table in the canteen? What had changed all of a sudden?

Well, the answer was not in the form of words, but in the form of a body. Not just any body, but the body of a human being, that too of a boy. Not just any boy, but a boy with messy black hair, mischievous and intense emerald green eyes, a stupid but charming grin, strong but athletic body and all in all who was gorgeous. He was Hermione Granger's fake boyfriend, not that everyone in her school knew about the fake part.

Harry Potter was the reason for all the twists and turns that were taking place in Hermione's life.

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Hermione had finally told Luna about the bet and the deal between her and Harry. She had thought that Luna would be angry with her for pretending to be Harry's girlfriend; if she was honest she hadn't expected an exciting squeal.

It was on the day Harry had kissed her. Hermione was not in a very good mood after Harry left without any explanation about why he kissed her. She hardly had spoken to anyone for the whole day.

Others kept coming to her asking about her and Harry but she just dodged them easily during the break as she hid herself in the library.

Finally, the school day ended and Hermione made her way home on the bus. As Hermione and Luna waited at the bus to arrive at their respective stops, Hermione turned to Luna.

"Luna, why don't you come back to my place?" She asked. Luna replied with a simple 'Okay'.

Hermione was relieved that Romilda didn't come back home with them. She had gone with Cho, Lavender and Paravati straight after school let out.

Once they both were off the bus, Hermione and Luna made their way to Hermione's home. Luna didn't say anything on the way to Hermione's house, which made Hermione feel agitated. Finally, Hermione broke the silence.

"I'm sorry Luna." Hermione said quietly.

Luna looked at her friend, surprised. "Why?" she asked, surprise laced in her dreamy voice.

"For the way I was acting today. I shouldn't have left you alone during the break. Did Cho and her friends tried to harass you?" Hermione asked.

Hermione was a little afraid of this one thing. She knew Lavender had a thing for Ron, but he was with Luna now. So, Cho might provoke Lavender to hurt Luna. Cho knew Hermione was protective of Luna. And Hermione had the notion that in order to get back to her Cho would target Luna.

"No, Hermione." Luna replied. Hermione sighed with relief. When they reached the house, Jane was already there.

"Hello Luna dear." Jane said as she opened the door and saw Luna with her daughter.

"Hello Mrs. Granger." Luna replied politely as she entered the house behind Hermione.

"Where's Romilda?" Jane asked as she closed the door.

Hermione turned around to look at her mum. "She's gone out with Cho and her friends. She'll be back at 5." Hermione said half-heartedly. Jane simply nodded.

"Well I've made noodles, it's in the kitchen, I have to go out, and you can heat it up by yourself, right hunny?" Jane asked as she got her purse.

"We have to heat it up?" Hermione asked, slightly panicked. Jane just laughed.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now