19. Like It Was Meant To Be

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"Let's see if Romilda's ready." Hermione said as she and her best friend Luna walked out of her bedroom.

"Romilda, are you ready?" Hermione asked knocking on the door of her cousin's bedroom.

"Almost, just give me two minutes." Romilda said opening the door. She was wearing a simple long sleeve round neck black shirt and dark blue jeans, showing off her slender figure nicely. Her hair were made in a messy bun.

Hermione was shocked for a moment to see Romilda wearing simple attire. She gathered her thoughts and spoke, "We'll be waiting for you downstairs."

Romilda simply nodded and closed the door as Hermione and Luna walked towards the stairs.

"I just don't believe it; we are really going to see it today." Hermione said excitedly, coming down the stairs from her room with her best friend.

"I can't wait to see Ron in his football uniform." Luna said dreamily as they reached to the bottom of the stairs.

Hermione rolled her eyes. "Luna, I am talking about Hogwarts." She said exasperatedly as she and Luna made their way towards the living room.

Exhibition match between Hogwarts and Durmstrang was to be played today. Match was scheduled to start at 3 PM and at the moment it was 1:30 PM. Romilda, Hermione and Luna were waiting for Hermione's parents to come back from the dentistry, so that they could go to Hogwarts.

"I know," Luna said as she followed Hermione to the living room, "But, don't tell me you are not excited to see Harry." She finished with a smug smile, a very rare deed on Luna's part.

Hermione blushed a little thinking about the boy with messy hair and emerald green eyes, her boyfriend, Harry Potter, real for this time.

A week had passed since they got together for real. Hermione couldn't believe that she and Harry were together. It had been her wishful thinking to be more than just friends with Harry, and now she was living that wishful thinking of hers for real. She had never felt so happy before. Suddenly life had become like a gentle summer breeze, where you close your eyes to feel the light caresses of air on your face and in your hair, and where you feel sunlight lightly touching your heart and warming your soul with everlasting delight. In simple words, her relationship with Harry was a pure ecstasy.

Even though Hermione had never believed in fate or destiny, sometimes it felt like she and Harry were meant to be together. Since they had gotten together, it was as if things were just falling into right places for them, whether it was regarding their feelings, friends, or families.

Hermione could still remember the night she and Harry got together for real. After sharing few deep and passionate kisses, they had decided to leave the party. However, instead of going back home, they spend an hour just sitting in the car and talking. Even though they knew many things about each other, there was still a long list of things they hadn't shared with each other.

Hermione found out that even though Harry's parents owned a prestigious and well established law firm, he didn't want to work in that line. He wanted to be a football player, which didn't surprise Hermione, as Harry was the captain of his school football team. His favorite football club was the Puddlemere United and his dream was to play for the national team.

In return, when Harry asked her about what she wanted to do, she felt no embarrassment in telling him that she was still undecided. She was absolutely in love with science, especially Astronomy. But she also loved wildlife. So it was difficult for her to decide what she wanted to do.

Amidst sharing more kisses, they had talked about many other things, revealing some of their brightest and mortifying moments of their lives. They shared a good laugh at this. Harry had also promised to show her around in his school on the day of his match.

Story of a girl called Hermione Granger [Harmione]Where stories live. Discover now