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this is dedicated to everyone that felt the need to remind me that it was 2017/18.

i know. i saw you. 

you're not valid.


 Resu was only slightly ashamed to say she fell asleep in her new jacket. It was comfy even in the heat of the summer nights and she was just...very pleased about it. The jacket was only a pile of fabric really, but it meant the world to her. Her eyes cracked open to see the sun already high in the sky. Startled at how late it was, Resu wiped the drool off her chin and jumped to her feet.

She was cleaned and dressed in little to no time. Carefully, she tucked the jacket into her bag before leaving the room for breakfast.

Her stomach growled as she pushed the dining area's doors open. Resu wasn't surprised that there wasn't anybody around and that there was no food out on the tables. With a grimace, she settled with a bowl of cereal.

Resu looked at the box as she began eating. It was the same brand as the one she had eaten at the first training camp. She chuckled softly, fondly remembering the night's antics.

"I'm really in too deep, aren't I?" Resu asked herself aloud. With a shrug, she finished off her breakfast and put everything away. Stretching, she figured it made sense just to go to the gym next, as that was likely where everyone was.

On her way out of the kitchen, a spot of bright red caught her eye and she stopped short. A small calendar hung on the wall, today's date circled in marker. Beneath it read "final day!!". Resu's heart dropped into her stomach. Today was the last day of camp?

But... She felt like she had made no progress during the week. All she had done felt like chores, everyday tasks that meant nothing in the long run. Her shoulders slumped. Shouldn't she have changed in some way?

As Resu stepped through the threshold, it occurred to her that this week wasn't just about her. It was about the team. Who cares if all she did was hand out water and cheer on the sidelines? She was helping in the best way that she could, and that was what she should be focusing on. Although the spring tournament wasn't exactly around the corner, it would be soon enough, and she would be there to support them.

Pleased with her new disposition, Resu walked towards the gym with an air of confidence. If today was the last day, then hopefully Kageyama and Hinata could finally work together as a pair. Maybe they'd even beat Fukurodani, or -

Resu stopped in her tracks. A wave of nausea overcame her, causing her to grip onto the nearest tree for balance. Sharp pain swelled in her left eye and she dropped to her knees, gritting her teeth and cupping that side of her face.

It wasn't abnormal for this to happen from time to time. The doctors she had seen called it a form of "phantom pain" - although the scars and tissue had healed, the pain sometimes came back to haunt her. Her blind eye ached and Resu nearly whimpered in pain, trying to remember the last time it had happened to her.

Heaving breaths, she slowly adjusted herself until she was leaning her back against the tree, covered by the shade. Usually the feeling took a short amount of time to subside, so Resu resigned herself to being even later than she already was. She began to count backwards from ten, repeating the process as she tried to control her breathing.


Glancing at the clock, Asahi couldn't help but wonder where Resu was. She was usually one of the first people to wake and it wasn't like her to be this late. Not to mention it was their last day - their last attempt at beating Fukurodani.

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