New Developments

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The bus ride to Tokyo was rather uneventful. Resu spent the time with her earbuds in, playing a game on her phone. She was tapping buttons rhythmically and ignoring what was going on around her, which was probably just everyone just chatting about the match and voicing their nerves.

Yesssssss... Full combo! Resu internally cheered for herself, but only a small smile appeared on her features.

A tap on her shoulder interrupted her. With a grimace, she shoved her phone into her bag as she noticed the bus had stopped in front of their destination, Nekoma High. Resu followed the team off the bus and stood with Shimizu as they lined up facing the opposing team.

Ah... They live up to their nickname. They have a rather catlike presence, Resu thought while inspecting the team with narrowed eyes. Too bad I didn't come here. I associate with cats more than dumb birds, that's for sure.

She watched Hinata run up to a boy with strangely colored hair - it sort of reminds me of pudding, in a way - and immediately start talking with him. Resu smirked slightly; Hinata was always so friendly and positive. The exact opposite of herself, really.

When she saw a Nekoma boy with an aura similar to Tanaka's approach the first year her protective instincts kicked in. Although the aforementioned second year had already beat her to it, she stepped up next to him and tilted her head back a bit.

"Back off," she growled, placing a hand on Hinata's shoulder and leaning forward, baring her teeth. Tanaka and Resu both were nearly snarling at the boy who only mimicked their actions.

"Honestly, you two are so embarrassing," Sugawara sighed in disappointment. The two second years flinched visibly.

"Knock it off, Yamamoto," a different Nekoma student scolded. He and Sugawara both apologized to each other and followed the rest of the team inside. Resu gave Yamamoto the universal "I'm keeping an eye on you" gesture before going in after them.

She made her way up to the bleachers and leaned over the railing, her head propped against her palm. Her eyes scanned the court as the match was signaled to begin, curious to see what Shimizu had meant by what she said.

Although Resu didn't notice it at first, the air felt like it had changed. The team she had seen as dorks the whole time she'd known them adjourned serious, focused expressions and she would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised.

Nekoma served first and she watched Asahi receive the ball, sending it towards Kageyama who positioned himself for a toss. (I'm pretty sure those are the correct verbs, right?) With alarming speed, Hinata darted towards the other end of the net where the blockers weren't and spiked the ball down. Resu froze.

Huh? His eyes were closed... Her mouth twitched into a thin smirk.

Hmm. This might be more interesting than I first thought.

Karasuno's next move consisted of Hinata acting as a decoy and Asahi spiking the ball instead. Resu watched their movements almost scrutinously for some reason, leaning closer over the railing. As Nekoma took a timeout, she noticed a sudden shift in their presence; in a sense, it seemed that they were doing the same thing as she was.

As the match went on with Nekoma winning the first set, the second year felt herself growing a bit bored at the repetitive actions. Resu watched the game lazily while tapping at something on her phone. She paused, narrowing her eyes at the screen. Ah, as I suspected...

Resu moved her gaze back to the match, noticing Hinata acting rather sporadically. Upon looking closer, she saw that he was trying to spike with his eyes open now. She reasoned that it was probably because he was now getting blocked, although his plan didn't seem to be turning out all that well.

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