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I rolled over in my bed, letting out a yawn and opening my eyes. The sun was peaking through the gaps in the curtains, beams of light shining onto my face, making me squint my eyes shut.
I decided to get up and make breakfast, really in the mood for some fried eggs and bacon.

The second I stepped into the kitchen I realised why I was in the mood for the food, the smell of the delicious meat lingering in the air, as well as the egg.
" morning " A deep voice chirped up, startling me.
I nearly jumped back in fear until I noticed Grant, stood over the stove making breakfast.
I thought it was a dream.
" I decided to make you some breakfast, it's the least I could do " He smiled a toothy grin, something which made me do the same sleepily.
I noticed his eyes leave mine, trailing down my body visibly. I didn't know why, but when I looked down I slightly gasped, realising that I was in my very minimal pyjamas, consisting of a comfy shirt, and some panties.
His hazel orbs were focused on my thighs, only
making me grow self conscious. He turned back to the stove as soon as he realised what he was doing, giving me the space to get changed into something a little more suitable.
But when I saw myself in the mirror, the pink blush that had risen to my cheeks made me want to slap myself. Why did I let a hot guy stay here?

I watched him from across the table, my eyes narrow and my lip caught between my teeth. His stubble was growing to be slightly messy, as well as his hair which was at a long length. I actually liked the hair, but I could tell he didn't by the way he looked at it in the mirror. I guess it would look a lot better short, though. It must've took years, of growing.
" what? " Grant suddenly snapped, pushing his plate out slightly and staring at me sternly.
I raised a brow at his attitude, returning the same look he was giving me.
" I was just looking at your hair " I told him honestly, shrugging my shoulders.
Grant let out a sigh, running a hand through it out of worry. I was beginning to realise that was something he always did, but it was somewhat hot.
" I know... I need it cut, I just haven't had it done in a while " He announced, a smirk appearing on my lips when the words left his mouth.
" what? " The boy raised a brow when he saw the look on my face, laughing slightly.
" you happen to be sitting opposite a trained hair dresser, actually " I said in a posh voice, flipping my own hair dramatically.
Grant's cheeks perked up in surprise, a smile on his face. Okay, he was adorable.
" are you good, though? " He giggled, crossing his muscular arms against his chest.
I glanced down at them quickly before directing my eyes back up to his, a playful look on his face. I had to pretend that I wasn't affected in the slightest by the vein popping out of his arm, his biceps flexing slightly. He was doing this on purpose.
" of course! Like I said, I'm trained " I gave him a fake pout, acting like a child.
" well then, would you like to cut my hair? " He asked me finally, the excitement inside of me growing.
I untucked my chair, standing up from my seat and pretending to a curtsy. Grant laughed, a smile forming on my face as I pulled out my set of scissors from beneath the counter.
" come on, then "

I'd finished cutting Grant's hair, and he'd asked to use my shower. Of course I said yes, knowing that he was fully aware of how messy he looked. I had no clue why there was that much dirt on his hands, clothes and even on his face, but it was alarming.
I'd also washed his only outfit for him, which he'd took into the bathroom to get changed into after he was clean. He really needed some new clothes.

I heard the bathroom door creak open, making my eyes snap up from the tv, where I was once watching friends. Finally, he'd taken too long. His tall figure emerged from behind the door, my eyes trailing up towards his face, which was where I almost gasped out loud.
Grant was cleanly shaven, no stubble in sight, only his sharp and defined jawline on show. As well as this, his outfit was clean and so were his arms, looking tanned and muscular. My eyes grew wide when I saw his finished hair, looking so amazing now that it was dry. He still had his wings, but it was at a much shorter length, a clean and tidy length, anyway. It looked great on him, he looked hot, like the type of guy I'd stare at in awe when they pass down the street.
But the more I studied him, the more familiar he looked. It almost felt as if I'd seen him before, or even knew him, but my thoughts flew out the window when I realised that Grant had asked how he looked.
" you look like a whole new person!! " I gawked, rushing over to get a closer look.
I thought he would've found that strange, but instead he let out a laugh, running yet another hand through his newly cut hair, ruffling it up.
" why did you look so dirty anyway? " I asked, genuinely interested.
The happy smile that he had immediately dropped when I asked, his lips agape as he tried to think of something.
" oh, I slipped "

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