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sydney's pov.

I looked up at the lake ahead of us when Grant stopped my car, my lips agape in shock. I was surprised that I'd never seen this place before, it was stunning.

The muddy hills lead down to a still lake, the darkness surrounding us creating a much more eery feeling. I could just imagine coming here in summer with friends, sun bathing, jumping into the water, and not giving a damn about who judged us.

Grant took my hand, leading me down the slippery hill. It had been raining last night, so it was wet, and with me being clumsy, I slipped, Grant's grip on my hand tightening as his other hand grabbed my waist, pulling me close to him to stop me from falling. Before I knew it I was pressed against his chest, my breathing heavy from the pure adrenaline rush.
My small hands were placed against his chest as I stared up into his eyes dreamily, his hot breath fanning against my cheek.
I felt my face turn slightly pink at how he was holding me, and how close we were, so I continued down the hill, being more careful this time.

When I reached the water I turned around, looking at the boy with a raised brow. Before I could even question him, he was raising his arms, pulling his shirt over his head. My eyes wondered across his toned body, biting my lip as I took in the gorgeous sight. He could obviously tell I was staring, as he turned around, placing his shirt on a tree branch to stop it getting muddy. The way his back muscles flexed as he reached up was mesmerising, my jaw nearly touching the floor in awe.
" hello? " Grant laughed, whilst I was brought back to reality.
He was stood right in front of me, his jeans also off, leaving him just in his boxers. I didn't dare look down, I just nodded, a chuckle escaping his lips.
" yeah, of course " I said, remembering what he'd asked.
I did as he said, unbuttoning my jeans without hesitation and pulling them down my legs. Grant watched me closely in anticipation, his eyes never leaving my body as I placed my jeans next to his, next removing my hoodie and placing it down also.
I was left in my bra and panties, folding my arms across my stomach to hide my bare skin. Grant was quick to pull my hands away, my eyes locking with his as he did so.
" don't " was all he said, the way he was looking at me enough to make my heart skip a beat.
No one had ever looked at me that way. It was a look that made me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world.

I didn't have the chance to smile before he'd smirked, letting go of my hands.
" sorry " Was all he said, making me raise a brow.
For what? Making me feel beautiful?
Before I could even ask him, I felt his hands grab a hold of my waist, lifting me over his shoulder with ease. I let out a quiet shriek of horror, smacking his back in fear as he began trudging through the water.
The water was up to his waist when he span me around, dropping me in quickly. I took a deep breath as I went under, coming back up to the surface and splashing him angrily.
" Grant! " I yelled, wiping my hair out of my face as I looked at the boy, who was in hysterics.
It was hard not to smile when I saw how amused he was, a grin plastered across his face as he clutched his belly, in pain from laughing too hard.
I shook my head with a smile, swimming close and dunking him under by his head. He popped back up immediately, his breathing heavy as he coughed up some water.
I was about to call a truce until he splashed me once again, startling me. I gasped, giving him a stern but playful look. I was having more fun than I'd had, in a long long time.

The two of us sat on the roof of my car, wrapped up in towels. We'd been here for hours, and we were witnessing the sun rise right before our eyes, at such a gorgeous setting.
I could tell Grant was thinking about something, sitting in silence with his hands laced together. I looked over at him, my eyes staring into his intently, gaining his attention.
" what are you thinking about? " I asked him, causing him to completely turn to me.
A sigh left his lips as he looked back out at the lake, the orange and pink sky glowing against his skin.
" everything. my brother, how I got here... why I'm here... I'm a monster, Syd " Grant told me, my body freezing.
I took a while to process his words, my heart beating fast at the new nickname, Syd. I'd never been given a nickname, no one ever cared enough to give me one.
" I'm sure you're not a- " I began, being cut off by his angry breath.
" no, I am, Sydney " He said, his voice much more stern and anger filled.
I shook my head, annoyed that he thought that. I didn't care what he did, I hadn't even thought about it since I'd spent time with him. I know he wouldn't do anything to harm me, from what I've seen, he's a great guy.
" whatever you did or whatever it is that makes you feel like that, don't. I've had a lot more fun with you in two days than I've had ever, and I know that you're a great guy " I announced, a weight being lifted from my shoulders.
I saw Grant's cheeks turn pink, making me smile happily. Things were looking good, brilliant, in fact. I was genuinely happy spending time with him, but I couldn't help the thought that lingered in the back of my mind. When he looks at me, he looks at me like I'm the best thing on the planet. And when he looks at me like that, I feel on top of the world.
I fall, so so easily.
I noticed Grant fall silent once again, still looking out towards the water and the sunrise. I knew what he was thinking, so I spoke up.
" tell me about him " I suggested, watching the boy's facial features relax.
He started fiddling with his fingers nervously, a sight that made me anxious.
" h-his name was Grayson " He told me hesitantly, stuttering slightly between words.
I nodded, looking at him intently to let him know I was all ears. There's nothing worse than when you're getting something off your chest, and the person you're talking to, just doesn't listen, especially when they pretend to. I didn't want to be that person, because I was beginning to really, really, care about him.
" he- uh, he killed himself " Grant started off, my heart dropping to my toes as soon as the words left his mouth, " and I didn't get there soon enough to stop him "
It seemed as if he blamed himself for it, so I put my hand on his leg, my other hand on his back, rubbing it soothingly.
" it's not your fault " I began, shaking my head at the thought of someone so close to you, being gone. just. like. that.
I watched his jaw clench as soon as I said that, his large hand reaching for the small rock in his hands as he threw it out into the water, letting all of his anger out.
" I know, it was the fucking bullies "

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