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" morning " Ethan's raspy and deep morning voice made my cheeks turn rosy, his eyes scanning over my face as if I were a piece of art.
I smiled, pulling the duvet up to cover my red cheeks. It made me feel stupid, but I was quickly learning that just him looking at me could make me blush.
" morning, Grant " I said, my eyes never leaving his as he suddenly pulled the blanket down, his hands being brought up to the side of my face.
He took in my sleepy state with an adorable grin, before leaning in, his lips gently pressing against my own. The feeling of him kissing me here without hesitation was something I was loving, not a care in the world given. When the two of us were together, it was just us in the world, and he made me feel alive.
Ethan pulled away breathlessly, his forehead resting against my own as he let out a breath.
He was just taking in my presence, as I did the same, never wanting the moment to end.
" I think I'm fa- " Ethan began, speaking barely above a whisper before the sound of my front door being pushed open made me jump.
Ethan's eyes darted away from mine in panic as he let go of me, jumping up from the bed. I nervously threw on a pair of pyjama pants as the sound of heavy pants soared from the living room, and I shoved Ethan into my closet.
I didn't have a clue who was out there, but the one guess I had, was the person I was dreading coming face to face with.
" give me one second... stay here " I told the terrified looking boy, who's heart was visibly beating out of his chest.

The second I stepped outside of my room the sight of my mother stumbling across the wooden floor made me breath a sigh of relief, but also made the anger inside of me rise.
" mom- " before I could tell her to leave, she spoke up, hiccuping between words.
" Hannah told me you- you had a boy here, where is he?!? " She shouted, leaning against the sofa for support as she stepped towards me.
As soon as her face was inches from mine the smell of alcohol and cigarettes was smelt from her breath, making me scrunch up my nose at the distasteful smell.
" have you been drinking? It's nine in the morning! " I ignored her question, stepping away from her with an angry voice.
This time, she repeated what she wanted to know, having found out that Ethan was here from my neighbour.
I shook my head, not even considering answering her question. It was none of her business, she was never a mother to me, why did she care now?
" make him leave, I don't want him near my daughter " She murmured drunkenly, heading towards the front door without another word.
" daughter??? I was always the one looking after Arli, while you were out drinking! " I suddenly snapped, my annoyance fizzing over the limit.
My mom turned to me with a frustrated look on her face, her eyes dark and anger filled. They were small and beady, and the stench of alcohol that I could smell coming from her at the other side of the room, was enough to make me want to gag.
" you're the one that needs to leave. now " I told her, crossing my arms against my chest as my breathing increased at an unsteady rate.
I blinked, and the next thing I knew was she'd slammed the door, and was most likely stumbling down the path. I didn't even bother looking, I didn't care. All I cared about was Ethan at this point, who was now stood in the doorway of my kitchen, his eyes staring into my glossy ones deeply.
I didn't even realise I was on the verge of tears until he'd stepped towards me, wrapping his arms around my tiny body. His hug was warm and comforting, and I never wanted to let go.
" it's okay, let it out " His words made my heart beat rapidly, a tear falling down my cheek, most likely dampening his bare chest.
Just that small ounce of support he was giving me made me feel loved, something I wasn't used to feeling. I was quickly falling in love with him, with the runaway boy who I picked up outside of our favourite diner.
I felt his lips press to my head, his arms wrapping around my waist as he swayed me to the side gently. Just his touch sent goosebumps all over my body, my head resting underneath his chin, fitting perfectly.
" come on, let's do something to take your mind off it " He mumbled, whilst I slowly nodded my head, pulling away to wipe under my eyes with the back of my hand.
Before I could even do it myself, Ethan's fingertips had ran across my cheek, wiping away my tears. I stood frozen as he did so, my eyes taking in the beauty of his face, but also the beauty of him. He was the best person I'd ever met, and even though it'd just been days, I knew that my feelings for him were as deep as could be.

I smiled across at Ethan, sat on the grass on the field, the place I'd brought him when I knew he needed some air. Even though I came here often, I was happy to come again, knowing just how refreshing it is. However, I'd always thought that the nature, the silence and the fresh air was enough to cure my pain, but something was missing. Something wasn't there, and the pain didn't completely leave. That was until I sat here in the field with all of the amazing features, right beside Ethan. He was the something that I was missing, and the small piece of the puzzle was now slotted perfectly in place.
" you're the kind of girl I'd always dreamt of marrying, you know? " Ethan randomly blurted out, catching me off guard.
I smirked, laying on my belly and resting my chin in my hands. I looked up at him, batting my eyelashes as he gave me a cheeky grin.
The sun was shining softly against his skin, nearly making him glow. It was a beautiful sight, or he, was a beautiful sight.
" really? " I giggled, watching the boy look up at the blue sky before looking back down at me again.
" you're strong, hilarious, caring, sweet, outgoing, and generous enough to let a stranger stay in your house " Ethan said with a smile, whilst I tried to fight the blush that crept up to my cheeks.
" so your dream girl is someone who lets random guys come over? " I joked, a laugh escaping the boy's plump lips.
" you know what I mean " He told me, as I nodded, agreeing.
It fell silent, Ethan's eyes burning holes through my face whilst I looked down at the grass. It was making my skin tingle, burning wherever I felt his gaze avert to.
" it's just a plus that you're fucking gorgeous, too " He said after a while, my lips agape as I tried to get a word out.
I was speechless, and I only grew more shocked when his hand was on the back of my neck, and his lips were pressed firmly on mine, the familiar feeling rushing back to me. I immediately kissed back, however, my hand running through his hair as he pushed me back against the grass, the dandelions getting caught in my hair as I did so. I laughed against Ethan's lips when they got stuck, my legs wrapped around Ethan's waist as he smirked, chuckling at the view of pieces of yellow flower stuck in my hair.
His large hands slid up from my waist to my hair, where he removed the dandelions gently, his fingertips becoming tangled in my dark brown locks as he played with it. What he said next struck me like lightening, his powerful and lust filled words said barely above a whisper, and the admiration in his eyes multiplying with each passing second.
" I think I'm falling for you, Sydney Brooke "

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