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It had been a few more days of hibernating with Ethan, who had been a lot more on edge than usual. I was starting to worry, but whenever I spoke to him, it was as if all of his anxiousness washed away like soap, leaving me speechless, unable to even question it.

Ever since I'd let Ethan stay at my flat I'd been a lot happier. He brought me some excitement, something new to experience. His whole attitude was different to anyone I've ever known, and I was growing to really like this boy. No matter how much I didn't know, how much I couldn't know, I didn't mind the mystery. I'd told him over and over again, I don't care about what went on, I care about now. And right now I'm here with him, having the time of my life.

" get up, I'm taking you somewhere " He smiled, extending out his hand for me to grab.
I took it, standing up and watching the boy run a hand through his hair. That was something he always did, and I was beginning to find it a lot more attractive than I should.
" it's twelve. no where will be open " I shrugged, until he cut me off once more.
" yeah, well we can always break in " He suggested with a smirk, my eyes going wide as I slapped his shoulder.
" no! I'm not in the mood- " I groaned, being cut off once again.
" listen, when I was in middle school me and Grayson would sneak into this place. It's abandoned and extremely old " He began, trying to persuade me as well as he could.
I saw the gentle smile grow on his face when he mentioned his brother, whom was also his twin. He'd told me that yesterday while we ate pizza in my kitchen, getting to know even more about one another. We were growing really close.
Ethan could still sense my fear, his hand reaching up to my cheek, which he gently caressed. I smiled at the feeling of his warm hand cupping my face, his other hand grabbing my own.
" I won't let anything happen to you, Syd "

I grinned out of excitement as Ethan lead me up the empty pathway towards an old amusements, somewhere which I vaguely remembered being open. Ethan and I must have lived in the same neighbourhood as kids, the thought baffled me. How did I not know him?
" here, come on " He took my hand again, something I was growing to realise he loved doing.
Any chance he could get, he would swoop my hand into his own. Even if the two of us were just watching tv, he'd do it, a smile forming on his lips as he did so. It was cute, and it only made my feelings for him blossom rapidly.
Before I could speak the sound of a car driving past was heard, Ethan's muscles tensing and his eyes growing dark. The second he realised it was a police car on duty he pulled me behind the building, his back pressed against the wall as his chest heaved up and down anxiously.

ethan's pov:

I felt my heart beating at an irregular pace as the two of us hid behind the wall, my hand strongly holding onto hers.
" Ethan, it's okay. They're not going to arrest us, they're just on duty " She told me calmly, the sound of her voice making my heart slowly behind to return to its normal pace.
I couldn't even speak, I was speechless. The thought of them being so close to me, made me want to end it all sooner than intended. I didn't escape to get caught, after all.
" they're not after you, a-are they? " The question left Sydney's mouth before I even had the chance to look down at her, a nervous expression on her face.
I immediately shook my head, my heart feeling yet another pang of guilt, and a frown forming on my lips when I thought about scaring her. I shook my head no again, placing my shaky hand on her waist, pulling her closer so that she was pressed up against my chest. I wanted her close to me, I wanted to be able to kiss her all I wanted. But I couldn't.
" no, of course not " I gulped, watching the beautiful girl nod her head, allowing me to lead her back into the building.
I did just that, checking for any more cars before rushing her through the small broken window, which brought back great memories from when I was careless kid.

I laughed loudly as Grayson climbed through the window, landing on the ground with a thud, a shriek escaping his lips as he did so.
" Are you okay? " I gasped for air, finding this too funny to even comprehend.
" shit, Ethan, I think I've broken my arm! " Grayson cried out, my eyes going wide as I covered my mouth in shock.
I couldn't help myself, I still found it funny. My twin brother falling over a window ledge and breaking his arm, was a pretty hilarious thing to witness.
I took a few steps forward to help him, only to trip on a pile of bricks, hitting the ground a lot harder than I intended. A gasp escaped my lips as I squinted my eyes shut in agony, clutching my left arm with my hand.

" me and my brother came here all the time. He fell in and broke his arm once... I couldn't stop laughing " I explained, a giggle escaping my lips at the memory.
Sydney shoved my arm, telling me that I was horrible for laughing at something like that. She'd probably find it funny too, I thought.
" and then I tripped over some bricks, and broke the exact same arm " I finished off truthfully, her lips agape in shock.
" well, karma's a bitch, Ethan " Was what she said with a smirk, swinging one leg over the ledge and hopping in smoothly.
She made room for me once she was inside, waiting as she didn't want to go in on her own. I took a quick look down at the ground when I was in, my eyes wondering across the place that I hadn't seen in years.

Grayson would've been cheering me on if he knew that I was coming here for the last time, with the girl of my dreams.

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