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I smiled to my grandma when she opened the door, my six year old sister running towards me, wrapping her arms around my leg. I giggled as she cuddled into it, squealing my name excitedly.
" hey Arli " I laughed, ruffling up her hair which my grandma had most likely spent forever brushing.
My grandma always had a thing for brushing hair. Whenever I was at her house when I was younger, she'd sit and brush through my long brown locks, while I watched episodes of sponge bob on the tv.
" when can I come see your new flat? " The happy child asked me, something about her positivity making me jealous.
I wished I could be a kid again, not knowing anything about the feeling of worry, because I hadn't experienced it. I missed being able to do stupid things, with the excuse being because I was a kid.
I was about to tell her she could come visit anytime until I remembered the boy that was sat in my car waiting for me, since I'd told him I would only be a few minutes.
" you can come once it's fully decorated! But I just came to drop this off, grandma needs it " I smiled, handing over the bag of groceries which she had asked me to fetch.
My grandma thanked me, embracing me in a sweet hug and pecking my cheek, before I leaned down to Arli's height and did the same for her.

I said my goodbyes and rushed down the path, heading towards the car which I'd parked a little further away than usual. The second I saw it I saw Grant sat in the passengers seat, a pair of sunglasses perched on his head, and a beanie thrown on his head.
" not to be rude or anything, but it's pretty obvious you're hiding from someone when you're wearing sunglasses in this weather " I said to him as soon as I climbed in, turning on the engine.
He rolled his eyes, not responding. He turned to the window, most likely staring out at the passing trees and houses.
" why are you hiding anyway? "
In a way, I knew it was my right to know. He was staying in my house, and after all, I didn't want to be letting someone in who could get me in trouble. But then again, I didn't want to bother him if it was personal. He actually seemed like a nice guy, he was just a closed book.
" I'm not hiding " He plainly answered, enough to make me roll my eyes.
" what??? Why do you think I'm hiding? " He asked me, turning towards me fully and taking off his glasses, part of his attempt of a disguise.
I let out a breath, ready to pull out my list until a car drove by, and Grant threw the sunglasses back on his head shakily.
I looked over at the panicky boy with a smug smirk, shaking my head in disbelief.
" and you say you're not hiding " I murmured with a cocky grin as I continued driving, taking a left at the top of the road.
I heard him let out a sigh, giving in. I knew I was right, it didn't take a genius to see it.
" ok, yes, I am hiding " He admitted, pausing for a second before carrying on " but it doesn't matter who from, okay? "
I nodded, quite happy with the sudden information I had been handed, although it made me wonder. Who was he really hiding from? Was it someone dangerous? Did he do something?
" where are we going? I thought you said we were going back to your flat after you saw your grandma " He asked me, pulling me out of my thoughts.
I shook my head, continuing to drive down the isolated road. It was extremely narrow, so I found myself making strange noises as I desperately looked over the steering wheel, trying my best to drive safely. I managed, though, and I parked the car in the empty parking lot and immediately stepped out.
I turned back once I had closed the door, my eyebrows furrowing when I saw grant still sat inside. I motioned for him to come out, which he hesitantly did, an unsure look across his face.
" I really can't be outside, Sydn- " He began, before I cut him off.
" whoever you're hiding from isn't going to find you here. I've loved this place since I was little, specifically because it's always empty " I told him, noticing him still stood frozen still.
I laughed, grabbing a hold of his hand, something which startled him. The sudden warmth from his hand in mine made my eyes turn to our intertwined fingers, as well as his, but I didn't dare end it. I liked the feeling, it was different.
With that, I pulled him along, through the thick and tall grass towards the trees. The smell of nature filled the fresh air, my mind feeling new and like a blank sheet of paper as soon as I took a breath. This place was always so refreshing, so maybe this would be good for Grant.

We reached the large field of dandelions, a small empty patch of grass towards the centre. The sun was shining brightly against the grass, trees surrounding us, almost blocking us from the outside world. He needed an escape for god knows what reason, but so did I.
I let go of Grant's hand and sat down on the small patch of dandelion free grass, pulling some snacks out of my back pack. Grant sat beside me, watching me in amazement as I did such a simple thing. I pretended that I didn't know his gaze was on me so intensely, and just continued, pulling out the bottles of water too.
" why are we here? " He asked suddenly, making my eyes snap up to his.
I shrugged, looking at him funnily.
" do you not like it here or something? " I mumbled as I closed my back pack, pushing it to the side.
" no, it's beautiful... but why would you bring me here? I got the impression that you thought I was a psychopath or something " Grant chuckled, although he was being serious.
I shook my head with a laugh, handing him a bottle and taking a sip of my own.
" I don't think you're a psychopath, but I do think you're really fucking crazy. there's a difference " I began, looking back up at him to see his hazel eyes had never left me.
" but hey, who said I didn't like crazy? "

I stared up at the sky, the odd few clouds looking like various different shapes. I let out a breath, turning my head to the side slightly. I was caught off guard when I instantly saw Grant watching me, a nervous giggle escaping my lips when I did.
" what? " I questioned, finally breaking the comfortable silence we'd been in for a long time. It wasn't awkward, it was relaxing. I didn't know why, but his company was enough to sooth me.
" nothing, I just think you're gorgeous "
His words baffled me, not a sound of jokiness laced in his voice. It threw me off so much that I looked back up at the sky which was turning orange and red from the sunset, just like my cheeks were because of Grant's straight forward compliment.
Grant turned on his side, his elbow holding him up as he rested his head in his hand, looking at me with a smile.
" so, why were you at that diner? It's usually pretty empty " Grant started conversation, seeming genuinely intrigued.
I wanted to get to know him, so I answered, turning so that I was facing him completely on the grass.
" it's been my favourite place to go for so long now... I go pretty much every night, as stupid as that sounds " I said, pulling the loose strands of grass from the ground.
" it's my favourite diner too, actually " Grant told me, sounding surprised that we had this in common.
" really? I only knew about it from my grandma, she was obsessed with the shakes " I shrugged, a genuine smile growing on my face.
Grant nodded, his eyes never leaving mine as he continued.
" my mom would always take me and my brother as kids " He said, looking down towards the ground quickly.
I raised an eyebrow at the mention of his brother, I hadn't heard about him before. But then again, I hardly knew anything about him. I wanted to change that.
" you have a brother? " I asked with a smile, the small ounce of happiness in Grant's eyes fading as I said the words.
He looked back up at me, sighing in defeat, a sound that made my heart pound heavily and my lips fold into a straight line.
" I did "

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