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I stared at the rack of clothing, not sure what to get. I'd been working today, and I decided to head over to H&M after to get Ethan some new clothes. He definitely needed them, even though he didn't ask.

I left the shop a little while later with some two pairs of joggers, a couple of plain shirts and some boxers. If he was going to be staying at mine until he got back up on his feet, then I was more than happy to keep him from stinking out the flat. With that in mind, I also got him some toiletries, as well as his own toothbrush. He'd been using a spare one that had been sat in my bathroom, since I moved in not even a month ago.
I wanted to make him feel at home, since he's been through so much. What worries me the most, is that I haven't even heard half of it yet.
But the two of us were becoming friends, even though I laid awake thinking about him, pretty much all night. I don't know what I felt, but I knew that whatever it was, was happening way too fast.

I pushed open my front door and dropped the bags to the floor, a smile growing on my face when I saw Ethan watching the tv. I joined him, snatching the remote from his hands and changing over. I could feel him watching what I was doing on the screen intently, before yanking the remote away from me when I was close to clicking the news. I rolled my eyes, letting out a groan.
" I don't have WiFi, how else am I meant to keep up with the world? " I laughed jokingly, not aware that what he was thinking of, was a lot more serious.
Ethan shook his head, clicking back on the simpsons. I did like the simpsons, a lot more than I liked the news anyway, so this wasn't bad at all.
" you don't. I just hate the news, okay? "
I rolled my eyes, standing up to pass him the shopping bags. The second he saw them he looked at me with a funny look across his face, listening to the small haul I had for him.
" I kind of just guessed your sizes " I shrugged, passing him the small pile of clothing and toiletries.
He didn't even react to me shoving the clothes into his arms, his eyes just stayed fixated on me, a small smile curving up onto his lips.
" you didn't have to do this for me, Syd " He shook his head, using the nickname that I already loved.
" I know, but I did. Now go get changed, put your old clothes in the wash, do whatever. I want you to feel at home " I grinned, being cut off suddenly.
I gasped when I was tackled in a hug by Ethan, the clothing that was once in his arms now scattered across the sofa as he laid on top of me. I giggled as his strong arms wrapped around me, squeezing me tighter than ever in the most perfect hug. It made my heart skip a beat, as well as a rosy colour rise to my cheeks. He never failed to make me blush.
Just as I thought it couldn't get any better, he pulled his face out the crook of my neck, smiling at me wider than ever. His deep hazel eyes scanned across my face, taking in every tiny detail. When he did that, I couldn't help but take in the colour of his orbs. Something about them seemed familiar, but all of my thoughts were thrown out of the window when he leaned forward, connecting his lips to my cheek a few times.
" thank you so much " He beamed, climbing off of me slowly when he realised he was crushing me, before rushing off to the bathroom.
I was left alone on the sofa, my racing heart and bright red cheeks confirming all of my feelings.

The runaway boy, was what I needed.
He went to that diner, craving help, and I went, craving adventure, and maybe even love.

He was my adventure,
I just have to let it begin.

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