Chapter 34:Weather-Vanes My One And Lonely

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Kissing Fading Scars (Spencer Smith/Panic! At The Disco/Chandler Riggs FanFiction)


Chapter 34:Weather-Vanes My One And Lonely


*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

I heard Mayhem's soft cries from her room across the hall. "Baby, I'll get it. You have been taking care of her long enough." Spencer mumbled, half asleep. I slightly rubbed my head against Spencer's bare bicep. "No. I'll do it." I kissed his nose before getting up. I was in one of Spencer's shirts and a pair of panties. I put on my glasses and trudged over to Mayhem's room. I picked her up and cooed at her as she cried. I wrapped her in her turtle blanket and swayed slightly from side to side. "Shh, little May. Why are you crying?" I asked her as her tiny balled up fist batted at my tattoo on my chest. I looked down and saw her eyes flashing rapidly from stunning blue to stormy gray in seconds.

I went downstairs and into the kitchen. I put Mayhem on my hip and got her a bottle. The doctor said I was too young to produce breast milk and that I have to give Mayhem formula. I warmed up her bottle and tried singing to her while it cooled a bit because it was too hot. "She was acting pretty, thought she owned the city, someone should have told her that pretty ain't a job. Now she begs for money, no-one calls her Honey as she bothers shoppers in the parking lot." I sang. I grabbed Mayhem's bottle and gave it to her, tilting it upward, so she wouldn't choke. She let out a whimper, but soon started drinking the milk, her eyelids getting heavy. She drank half of it before getting full. I burped her and took her back to her room, setting her in her crib to go to sleep.

I went back to my room and saw Spencer shirtless, yawning and stretching in the bed. He stood up and came over to me, wrapping his arms around my skinny waist and resting his forehead against mine. His mo-hawk (since Spencer changed his hair between Vices And Virtues and Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die) was messed up and his eyes were full of sleep. "I told you I would take care of her." Spencer said as I put my hands on his shoulders. "Well, you were at the studio all night working with the guys. You needed your rest." I said, setting my head on his shoulder and nuzzling his neck. "Well, you spent almost a week in the hospital because the doctors had to run tests on Mayhem." Spencer fired back.

He cupped my face and looked into my eyes, softly kissing my lips. I kissed back and stood on my tippy toes, trying to fully kiss him because he was so tall. I missed this with Chandler. I missed him telling witty jokes so stupid that they were funny. I missed him always messing with my hair when I had to do something important. I missed how my lips tingled when he kissed me. I missed everything about our relationship, but he cheated on me with my sister and I found Spencer. I had a baby with Spencer. Mayhem Eslie Smith. I loved her and Spencer more than anything in the whole world. I looked up at Spencer after we broke the kiss and hugged him. "I love you. I love you and Mayhem so much." I said, kissing his shoulder.

Spencer picked me up effortlessly bridal-style and carried me over to the bed. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. Spencer set me on the bed and kissed my lips, laying down beside me. I rested my head and one of my hands on Spencer's bare chest. He stroked my dull red hair and traced shapes on the small of my back. Before I knew it, I was slowly falling alseep the rhythm of Spencer's heartbeat.

*The Next Morning*

"Baby..." I heard his sweet yet gruff voice say. I opened my eyes and looked into Spencer's crystal blue eyes. "Baby, are you awake?" I nodded and sat up, stretching and yawning. "I have to go out to the Vegas Desert to film for our new song Miss Jackson." Spencer said, giving me a hug. "Okay, babe, be safe." I said, kissing him and getting out of bed. Spencer went to Mayhem's room and gave her a kiss on her forehead. She whimpered and grabbed the collar of his blazer. "Sweety, I have to go." Spencer gently took Mayhem's small, chubby fists into his large hands and kissed the tips of her fingers, "Bye, Sweety."

Spencer grabbed my waist and kissed me. "I love you. I'll be back as soon as I can to see you and Mayhem." I cupped Spencer's face and kissed him again. "Okay. Be careful." Spencer kissed my cheek and went downstairs, leaving. I gave Mayhem her little stuffed turtle and picked her up, putting her on my hip and going downstairs. She heard Spencer's car start and take off and started to whimper and cry. "Whaa!" Mayhem cried, batting angrily at my chest. "Shh, baby girl. Shh." I soothed, but she just kept crying and whining. I tried giving her her pacifier, but she spit it out and continued crying.

I tried everything. I put her in her play gymnasium. Didn't work. I gave her a warmed up milk formula bottle. Didn't work. I tried putting her to sleep. Didn't work. I tried giving her her stuffed Turtle, Walking Dead, and band toys. Didn't work. I tried playing with her myself. Wasn't even close. "Chandler." I said when he answered my phone call. "Come over and see if you can cheer up Mayhem." He hung up and was here in less than ten minutes. "Hey, Andie." Chandler greeted, walking through the door with a blonde girl behind him. "Just come right in." I said sarcasticly. "Just give her here." Chandler said, motioning to the wailing baby in my arms.

I sighed and handed Mayhem to Chandler. "Hey, baby May. Why are you cryin'?" Chandler asked in a baby voice. I looked at the girl behind him, standing there awkwardly. "Um, Chandler. Who is this?" I asked, looking at the girl. "Oh, that's my girlfriend Hana Hayes." The girl, Hana, gave me a big smile and brushed her blonde hair out of her perfect face."Hana, this is my ex girlfriend and best friend Andie." I had to admit, Hana was seriously hot. (I'm bi and to me Hana really is) I smiled back at her and watched as Mayhem calmed down and whimpered softly while she rested her tiny head on Chandler's chest.

"Your baby is really beautiful. She looks a lot like you." Hana said, softly stroking Mayhem's smooth forehead, exactly where Spencer kissed her. "What's her name?" She asked, slightly pinching Mayhem's cheek. "Mayhem Eslie." I answered, watching Chandler feed Mayhem her warmed bottle. "Beautiful. Can I hold her when she's done?" I nodded and leaned up against the counter, sighing. Hana held Mayhem and Mayhem started to cry again. "I guess she doesn't like me." Chandler took Mayhem back and carried her back upstairs to her room to sleep. "You're really pretty." Hana said, brushing a strand of faded red hair out of my eyes.

Hana suddenly pressed her lips to mine, one hand on the side of my neck, the other on my hip. Her lips her like silk sheets. They were so soft against my chapped ones. I soon molded into the kiss, running my hand through Hana's hair and pushing her head, so she kissed me harder. Hana moaned and pressed me up against the counter top, only causing me to moan in return. Hana was seriously turning me on right now. "Guys?" Hana and I pulled away from each other, straightening our clothes and hair. My lips were still swollen from Hana's lips being roughly pressed against mine. "We're okay." Hana gave Chandler a sweet kiss when he got downstairs. "Bye, Andie." He said, waving.

Hana gave me a wolfish grin and bit her lip seductively. When Chandler wasn't looking she mouthed 'call me' and blew me a kiss. They left and I almost collapsed against the counter. What just happened?

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed that. Read my new story The Girl Who Lost Her Words. And don't forget about Agonizing Whisper okay bye!





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