Chapter 33:Sugarcane In The Easy Morning

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Kissing Fading Scars (My Stange FanFiction)


Chapter 33:Sugarcane In The Easy Morning


*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

Chandler and I had built a new friendship. Nothing was awkward between us anymore and we were best friends all over again. I was on my laptop looking at mine and Spencer's wedding plan while Chandler was sprawled out in an awkward position on the couch. "Lazy ass." I mumbled playfully, rolling my eyes and looking at wedding areas. Spencer was back in the studio with Brendon, Dallon, and Kenneth working on their new album. Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die. The tattoo on my chest. I liked it. I stood up and waddled to the bathroom. I was about to pull my sweatpants down when I felt a hard 'pop' in my stomach causing me to grunt in pain. I felt something wet run down my leg and my eyes widened.

"Chandler!" I screamed, "What!?" That lazy ass boy. "Chandler, help! My water just broke!" I yelled back, holding my stomach and waddling slowly out of the bathroom. He came running and wrapped his arm around my waist. "Do you think you can make it to the car or do you want me to carry you?" Before I could answer, my legs gave way and Chandler hoisted me up into his arms. I grunted and put my arm around Chandler's shoulders, holding back tears. He carried me to the car and set me in the passenger seat carefully before running to the driver's side. "Hang on, Andie." Chandler said, starting the car and pulling out of the driveway. He grabbed my phone and dialed Sarah's number.

"Sarah! Go to the hospital as fast as you can. No questions! Andie's going into labor! Tell the others, call Spencer, call the cast, call her goddamn parents! I can't really do that right now because I'm driving and I called the first person on speed dial. Just go to the fucking hospital for Christ Sake!" I grunted, "Chandler! Don't talk to Sarah like that and get me to a goddamn hospital." He hung up and put the pedal to the metal, running red lights and passing up cars. I kept my breathing as steady as I could and gripped the dash board, scratching the leather with my nails. Chandler pulled to a screeching halt into the E.R. He helped me out and carried me into the hopital, "Help. She's going into labor!" A few nurses came and set me in a wheelchair, rolling me into a hospital room.

They changed me into a hospital gown and set me on the bed. "What is your name?" A nurse asked, "Andromeda Smith." I answered. "Okay, Mrs. Smith, I am going to check if you're fully dilated and when you can start pushing." I nodded and the nurse checked. "Just breathe." A nurse said, hooking me up to some machinery, giving me some numbing pills. "You're almost there, just a bit longer and then you can start pushing." I leaned my head back, desperately wanting Spencer, Dad, or Mom here. As if my wish was answered, Spencer burst into the room, worry crossing his face. "Sir, you can't be here." One of the nurses said, "She's my wife and this is my child." The nurse sighed before letting his stay.

Spencer pulled up a chair and held my hand, squeezing it. "Okay, Mrs. Smith, you can start pushing. Push for ten seconds, rest for ten seconds, and repeat." I held myself up with my elbows and gritted my teeth, pushing as hard as I could. I counted in my head and let out an exhausted breath. Spencer rubbed my back and the doctor rubbed my knee, saying, "You're doing great, Mrs. Smith, I see part of the head." I pushed again, choking back a loud scream. I rested, glaring at Spencer, "You did this to me." I saw him smile, "You're doing great, babe." I pushed again when the doctor said, "Okay, this may be hard, the shoulders are coming next." I threw my head back, letting out a breath before almost breaking Spencer's hand from squeezing it so hard.

I pushed as hard as I could and let out a whimper/scream. "Great! Great! The shoulders are good. I think two more pushes and you will be good." I shook my head. I was exhausted, sweaty, and my lower area burnt like Hell. "I can't. I can't." Spencer brushed my sweaty hair out of my face, "Yes you can, babe. You're doing great. Just two more." I nodded and positioned my elbows again. "One, two, three. And push!" The doctor demanded. I growled and scratched at the bedsheets as I pushed, shredding them. "Just one more, Mrs. Smith, and the baby will be delivered." I gathered all of the strength I had and pushed, "Fantastic! Nurse, get a pink blanket." The doctor said. I heard a small cry and looked to see the doctor wiping Mayhem clean.

The nurse came back with a blue blanket, saying, "There aren't anymore pink, only blue." I smiled at the nurse, "It's fine." The doctor handed me my baby, "And the first and middle name of your baby girl." I smiled at Spencer before answering, "Mayhem Eslie." The doctor smiled and wrote it down. "We will keep you and Mayhem here for a few more days to make sure nothing is wrong with her." I nodded and leaned against my propped up pillow. Mayhem was absolutely beautiful. She had chestnut hair just like Spencer's and his nose shape. She had my jawline and lip shape. Mayhem let out a whimper and opened her eyes, stunning blue appeared before quickly flicking to stormy gray. I kissed her forehead before letting Spencer hold her.

"Hey, baby girl. It's your daddy." He cooed, lightly bobbing her up and down making her let out a giggle. I smiled and sat up some more, watching Spencer smile and coo at our baby. "I'll get everybody in here." He said, handing me Mayhem and kissing me before leaving the room. She whimpered and laid her head on my chest, her little chubby fingers batting at my tattoo. Spencer slowly opened the door, letting everybody flood inside. Dad came to my side and kissed my cheek before looking at Mayhem. "She looks a lot like you." He said, kissing my cheek and giving Spencer a nod. I heard a sniffle and saw Mike crying. "My baby sister is growing up."

I smiled and patted the spot beside me on the bed, letting him sit beside me. I handed Mayhem to him and showed him how to hold her. Mike smiled down at her and stroked her tiny cheek with his large drummer finger. Mayhem touched Mike's finger and tried picking it up, "Hey, baby. I'm your Uncle Mike." Mayhem smiled a toothless smile and nibbled on Mike's finger. Everyone laughed and by everyone I mean Vic, Jaime, Brendon, Kenneth, Dallon, Zack, Sarah, Breezy, Norman, Steven, Andrew, David, Danai, Lauren, Emily, and Chandler. Mike handed Mayhem back to me and Vic asked, "What did you name her? We just got here when everyone walked in." Spencer and I answered at the same time, "Mayhem Eslie."

"Beautiful." Vic said. I let everyone hold her and I actually thought Zack was going to break her because he was so big compared to her. Vic held her last and stroked her hair, softly singing Hold On Till May to her. "And as the sun went down we ended up on the ground. I heard the train shake the windows. You screamed over the sound." Mayhem made strange whimpering sounds, as if she was trying to sing along with Vic. He chuckled and bobbed Mayhem up and down in his arms and continued to sing until she fell asleep.

Vic handed me Mayhem and everybody left after sayong goodbye. "I'll stay here." Chandler said, sitting in a chair beside my bed, opposite of Spencer. It was a big day today.





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