Chapter 14:Camisado

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Kissing Fading Scars (Chandler Riggs FanFiction)


Chapter 14:Camisado


*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

Beep..... Beep..... Beep..... Beep..... Beep...

It was a steady rhythm that would soon drive a person mad if they listened to it long enough. I could feel someone holding my limp hand and softly stroking it with such a delicate touch, like holding a flower, afraid that one of the precious petals would break away. It felt like my eyelids were glued or sewn shut to where I would never open them again. I heard multiple voices echo throughout the place that I was in. "Come on, Andie. Wake up. I know you can get through this." It was Tony. It was Dad.

I used all of the little strength that I had and tried to pry my eyes open, but nothing worked. Energy quickly drained from my body and I silently growled in defeat. Why was this so hard? Just open your fucking eyes, Andie. Again, defeat won and and I cursed in my mind. I felt so helpless. I just wanted to wake up. I was like Alice. All I wanted to do was wake up from this dream. I heard the door open and a feminine voice say, "Mr. Perry, visiting time is over. You all will have to leave."

No, I didn't want them to leave. "Bye, sweetheart. I'll be back tomorrow as soon as visiting starts." I felt four pairs of lips kiss my forehead, one by one. "I love you, Andie. Your like my sister and I will beat that kids' ass into the ground for breaking your heart." I recognised that deep voice. It was Mike. The lights were flicked off and the door slowly closed.

*The Next Morning*

I heard the doorknob twist causing my grey eyes to flutter open. I cringed at the sudden light and heard the same female voice from yesterday. "Ahh, Andromeda. You're awake. How are you feeling?" I could barely move one of my arms. "Very limp." I answered as the nurse handed me a cup of water. I greatfully took it and had to lean my head down to drink it. The nurse helped me drink it before taking the now empty glass. "Are you hungry?" I shook my head and pushed my hair out of my face, painfully. Probably from the fall I took down the staircase and in the hallway.

"Just press the button on the finger ring if you need anything." I nodded and watched the nurse leave with the empty glass. I easily grabbed my glasses and the remote off of the bedside table and put on my glasses before flicking on the television. The news was on and I was on it. 'Thirteen Year Old Andromeda Perry In The Hospital For A Stange Heart Problem Unseen By Any Docters.' No, no I didn't have a heart problem. If I had one, my parents would have known and taken me to the doctor or given me medication. I heard a muffled voice from behind my hospital door say, "Mr. Perry, you can go see your daughter now. She is wide awake and seems well." I quickly turned off the television before the door almost burst open and there stood Tony, Mike, Jaime, and Vic.

"Andie!" They all ran to me and gave me big hugs. I groaned in pain with Mike hugged me a little too tight. "Sorry, Baby Turtle." I smiled and kissed his cheek before he sat in a chair on the other side of me. "You've been in here for four days, Andie. You had all of us scared to fucking death." Tony informed, gripping my hand softly, but rather firmly. "Did you call Norman?" I asked, dreading that Chandler was coming if Tony told him. "Yeah. He said he would be here in a few day to see you." Jaime said from beside Vic. "When can I get out of here?" I asked, shivering slightly. I hated hospitals. All of the death and sickness just suffocated me until I literally could not breath. "The doctor is still looking for some medication for your heart and found out you have depression, so he is getting you medication for that, too." I sighed, I just wanted to get out of this fucking place.

Just then, to my hoping and wishing, the doctor came in. He had two paper bags with writing on them. "Afternoon, Miss Perry, how are you feeling?" I shyly answered, "Alot better, thank you." The doctor handed Tony the two paper bags and a slip of paper, "This is Andromeda's prescription. She must take one pill of each twice a day at the same time. In the morning after breakfast and in the evening before she goes to bed. Just sign here and she is free to leave." Tony signed the paper and the doctor open the door, only for Tiffany to rush in. "Oh my god, Andie. Are you okay?" She hugged me and sat at the end of my bed. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just need to get dressed." I glanced at the guys and then at the door. They got rhe memo, so they got up and left the room for my privacy.

Tiffany helped me take off my hospital gown and get dressed. Tony got me some bright yellow skinny jeans, a Key Street muscle shirt, my Pretty. Odd Vans, and his black Key Street hat he gave me a week ago. Tiffany brushed my hair before letting me put my snapback on. I changed my lip piercing so it wouldn't get infected. (I changed part of New Perspective Part 2 to where Andie got a lip piercing in case some people were confused) I put my bracelets back on and left the room with Tiffany. Tony, Mike, Jaime, and Vic were all waiting for us in the waiting room right after Tony signed some more papers for my release. We all left the hospital and piled into the van. "Okay, now that I have my daughter back, we are going to go eat at La Supremea!" Tony shouted causing Vic, Mike, and Jaime to all shout something in Spanish.

We parked in the driveway of a restraunt and I was literally dragged inside by Jaime. We were immediately seated and had our drinks ordered. Tiffany and I both got Dr. Peppers while the guys ordered beers and margaritas. When our waiter came by, we ordered our food and he quickly left. I ordered cheese enchiladas, some rice, and some refried beans. Sounds good. I don't know, I've never had Mexican before. "Can Andie have a small taste of a margarita, Tony?" Jaime asked eagerly. Tony chuckled before sliding his margarita glass across the table to me. I cautiously picked it up and put my mouth to the lip of the glass. I took a small sip and let the icy alcohol slide down my throat. I shivered and made a 'blech' sound before tasting the bitter aftertaste of the drink. Mike, Tony, Vic, and Jaime all chuckled before sipping their beers.

We got our food and ate before paying and leaving. We dropped Tiffany off at her house before going over to this guy's house named Casey. Apparently, he was their drum tech. Vic knocked on the door and I heard the familiar yips and yaps of Ziva and Bentley. A guy with brownish blonde hair and two sleeves of tattoos opened the door. Bentley and Ziva stumbled out from behind his legs and jumped on me. I picked them up and let them lick my face softly. Tony chatted with Casey for a bit before Vic dropped us off at home.

I put Ziva and Bentley beside their full food and water bowls before sprinting up the stairs to my room. I simply grabbed a bra and some boxers before running into my bathroom. I flicked on the shower and stripped down before hopping in, under the showerhead. I scrubbed my body and scratched my hair with my nails, trying to get all the hospital off of me. I wasn't a clean freak, I just felt so dirty after I left the hospital. I ran the warm water for about an hour to rinse everything off of me before getting out. I dried my hair and body before dressing in my undergarments. I slipped on a tank top and some of Tony's basketball shorts.

Bentley and Ziva came into my room and snuggled into my A Fever You Can't Sweat Out bed cover. I snuggled with them before falling asleep.

What do you guys think? Okay, I'm thinking of making a new FanFiction. It's a Panic! At The Disco/ Spencer Smith FanFic. It's going to be called Someone I'm Not. I don't know if I will make it or not. When my story get to 1k them I will make it. Anyway, I hoped you liked the new chapter. If the know the reason behind the story title comment or send me a message.





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