Chapter 18:Tangled In The Great Escape

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Kissing Fading Scars (FanFiction)


Chapter 18:Tangled In The Great Escape


*Two And A Half Years Later*

*Andromeda's P.O.V.*

I sat in my room, staring at my sixteen year old reflection. All of the dye faded out of my hair so it is now back to its silverish black shade. I haven't talked to Dad, Vic, Jaime, Mike, Tiffany, Norman, Steven, Emily, Lauren, or Chandler since I was taken to this place. I miss them like crazy....even Chandler. My best and only friend here is Spencer. I met him about a year and a half ago and we clicked. Later tonight I'm going to his room to FaceTime with Brendon. I haven't met Brendon, but Spencer says he's super sweet and really hyper.

For The Walking Dead, they killed Noxxis off since I came here. Nobody has sent any tweets out to me, so that lowers my self-esteem big time. Well, except for Dad, Mike, Vic, and Jaime. They wrote a song called Tangled In The Great Escape featuring Jason Butler. They added it to the Collide With The Sky album. Dad said that it was directed towards me. I listened to it and fell in love with it. I plugged my ear buds in and turned on Tangled In The Great Escape. "I know your tortured within. Your eyes look hungry again." I was interrupted by my door opening. "Mr. Smith is waiting for you." Ellie, my nurse, said. I grabbed my Key Street hoodie and went to Spencer's room.

"Hey, Andie." He greeted, standing up after I closed the door. I hugged him and let him give me a kiss on the lips. Spencer told me he found out about his girlfriend Linda cheating on him with his ex best friend Ryan. I told him I was there for him and we just fell in love. (I made Spencer twenty-one so their age differences weren't that far apart.) I kissed back before pulling away and letting him get his laptop. Spencer set his computer on the bed and let me crawl into his lap before he turned it on. He connected with Brendon and soon Brendon's big brown eyes appeared on the screen. "Hey, Brendon!" Spencer greeted, setting his head on my shoulder since I was so tiny.

"Hey, Spence! Who is this?" Brendon asked, gesturing to me."Oh, this is my girlfriend, Andie." I smiled and waved, slightly showing my tattooed wrist. "Hi, Brendon." I greeted shyly. Brendon waved a hyper silly wave making me giggle quietly. "So, how are you doing, Spence?"

I felt Spencer nod against my shoulder blade, "I'm good. I'm getting a lot better." I smiled and leaned back against him. They talked for a while before Brendon asked me, "Hey, Andie. If you don't mind, will you tell me how you got in here?" I brushed some of my hair out of my face before answering, "Times were hard and I...tried to commit suicide." Brendon gave a small gasp before saying "Bring it in." and hugging his computer screen. I gave a small giggled before wrapping my arms around the top of Spencer's laptop. "I felt that." Brendon joked after we 'pulled apart'.

Spencer wrapped his arms around my waist and placed his head back on my shoulder. "Well, I have to go. The concert's about to start. Bye, Spence. Bye, Andie." We waved before Brendon hung up. "He was nice." I said, leaning against Spencer's chest. "That's Brendon." Spencer replied, before putting his forehead against my shoulder blade. I sighed and began to think about mine and Spencer's relationship. He was five years older than me and we weren't allowed to be together legally. "Spencer, what are we going to do?" I asked, "What are we going to do about what?" He questioned back, "I mean about our relationship. We are five years apart which is illegal for our ages." I explained.

Spencer pulled me down beside him and straddled my waist. "Don't worry about it, babe." He leaned down and kissed my lips passionately, something Chandler never truly did. I immediately responded by kissing back and grabbing his shirt, pulling him closer. Spencer slid his hand up my hoodie and began to slowly rub my hips and sides. I moaned lightly into Spencer's mouth before slowly licking his bottom lip, asking for admission. He parted our lips and let my tongue slowly enter his mouth. Spencer caught me off guard by breaking our lips to suck on my tongue. I moaned a little louder before grabbing the end of my hoodie and pulling it over my head for Spencer's pleasure.

Spencer began to kiss my neck, catching me right in his trap. I wrapped my arms around Spencer's shoulder, twisting and flicking my wrists, before lightly running my fingers through his long hair. (Spencer is kind of in his Pretty. Odd state) Spencer's stubble tickled my neck as he kissed further down it and across my collarbone. I gasped lightly when I felt Spencer's hand glide mischievously down to the button and zipper of my black ripped skinny jeans. I broke away from him before softly saying, "Not just yet. What if a nurse walks in?" Spencer grunted before rolling off of me. I sighed and looked into his light blue eyes, "I want this as much as you, but just not in here. It's too open even though we are closed in." I said, grabbing my hoodie and getting off of Spencer's bed.

I felt Spencer's arms wrap around my skinny waist and pull me back into his lap. "Stay for tonight. I heard they changed our schedules so we get to go home in a few days." I spun around to look at my boyfriend, "Are you serious?" I was about to burst through the fucking roof. "Yeah. And luckily, the last tour stop is on San Diego so we can fly there." I turned my body before jumping on Spencer and giving me a rough kiss on the lips. "I love you!" Kiss. "I love you!" Kiss. "I love you so fucking much!" I kissed Spencer longer than ever before pulling away. He had this weird dreamy look in his eyes before he mumbled, "I love you, too." I giggled playfully and straddled his waist.

"I'll stay tonight so we can spend tomorrow together." I said before leaning down and kissing Spencer lightly on his lips, passionately. I lifted my right leg and laid beside Spencer on the bed. "Should we go ahead and go to sleep?" I asked, intertwining mine and Spencer's fingers together. "In a little bit. Do you want one of my shirts to change into?" I nodded and let Spencer get up and get me a shirt to sleep in. I grabbed his shirt, gave him a quick flirty kiss on the lips, and went into the bathroom. I took off my muscle shirt, shoes, bra, and skinny jeans before slipping Spencer's over-sized shirt over my head. I looked at myself in the mirror and saw his shirt went to mid-thigh. I folded my clothes and walked out of the bathroom, setting my clothes beside Spencer's suit case. I took my hair out of its braid and ruffled it to let it fall down my back.

Spencer was just in some basketball shorts and a tank top. I slid into the bed beside Spencer and snuggled into his side. Spencer wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer into his chest. "I love you, babe." I whispered, shutting off the lamp. "I love you, too, Andie. I love you so much." Spencer slightly hovered over me, cupping the side of my face, "You mean so much to me, Andie. Hopefully, we can get married and have children and never have to come back to this place ever. I love you." He leaned down and softly kissed my lips. I kissed back before pulling away, smiling.

"I love you, too. You have treated me better than my ex-boyfriend ever did. That's what makes me happy along with being with you." I rested my head on Spencer's chest and slowly went to sleep.


Hey guys! how's it going? I hope that you liked that I got Spencer and Andie in a relationship. I have big big big BIG plans for this FanFic and if you want me to start a new one I might. Okay, anyway I love you guys! MWAH!!! *smooches* BYE!!!






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