58 : An Alolan Morning

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(Next Morning)

"Welcome one. Welcome all. I am your champion Diantha and I welcome all of you to another spectacular morning in KIP. As some of you may already know that today we are going to be welcoming some special guests who arrived in KIP last night. So now without further ado everyone please join me in welcoming certain honored guests from the Alola region. First up we have Prof. Samson Oak who is the distant cousin of Prof. Oak who teaches at KIP. He is the head of the Pokemon school there and specializes in studying the unique characteristic s of Alolan Pokemon and in particular the Totem Pokemon. Welcome Professor." Diantha says as she joins everyone in the welcoming cheer for the Prof. The moment Prof. arrives Diantha gives him a firm look reminding him of the conversation they had last night about not imitating Pokemon on the stage.

"Thank you Champion Diantha. Alola to all of you as well. My name is Prof. Samson Oak and it is an honor to be present in one of the most prestigious Pokemon studying institutions of the world. Back in the Alola region I am the headmaster of the Alolan school of Pokemon. The Alola region is different from other regions in terms of a lot of things. For instance the weather of the Alola region is much more tropical compared to that of Kalos. In fact it is this difference in climate which has a large impact on the peculiar variations in Pokemon found only in the Alola region as compared to other region. For example please observe." Oak says while tossing 2 Poke-balls. Both reveal an Exeggutor. One is a normal Exeggutor and the other is an Alolan Exeggutor.

A lot of Oohs and Aahs can be heard in the crowd as they look at the small normal Exeggutor and its counterpart the very tall Alolan Exeggutor. Even Diantha looks impressed.

"Due to the tropical climate of Alola, the region receives more heat, sunshine and rain. These factors are responsible for the Alolan Exeggutor to have a much taller height. Furthermore even though both are Exeggutor but their types are different. The normal Exeggutor is a Grass and Psychic type whereas the Alolan Exeggutor has a Grass and Dragon Type. As you can see Alola is a very promising region in terms of adventure and Pokemon related activities like training, coordinating etc." Oak says before giving a bow, recalling the 2 Exeggutor and walking away.

"Thank you Prof. That was most enlightening indeed. Now welcoming our next guest we have Prof. Kukui and his wife Prof. Burnet who also research in the Alola region. Prof. Kukui researches on the energy Pokemon emitted by Pokemon when battling and Prof. Burnet researches on Pokemon and other dimensions." Diantha says as the two Professors come into view, give a wave and then stand next to Prof. Oak.

"Now the interesting thing about the Alola region is despite having so many specialties. Alola region does not have any gyms or even a Pokemon league for that matter." Diantha continues before pausing. On hearing this the entire crowd starts to murmur.

"Instead Pokemon trainers who travel there get to face a different type of challenge. This is known as the Island Grand Trial. The Alola region consists of 4 natural islands and 1 artificial island. Each of the natural islands has an island challenge which is similar to a gym battle but instead of getting a gym badge the trainer earns a Z Crystal. Every island has an Island Kahuna who must be defeated in order to earn the Z Crystal. So allow me to introduce 2 of the 4 Island Kahunas who have traveled all the way here. Olivia from Akala island and Hala from Melemele Island." Diantha says as she starts clapping as Hala and Olivia come to the stage. Soon the entire stadium erupts in cheer.

"These 2 have agreed to hold demonstrations of what Z moves are and how they can be used. So if any of you is interested in getting to know more about the Alola regions you know who to go to." Diantha says as Olivia and Hala bow and walk of.

"Moving on we have the President of the prestigious Aether Foundation Mrs. Lusamine and her workers. The Aether Foundation is a foundation dedicated to preserving peace and treating injured Pokemon." Diantha says as Lusamine and her assistant come on stage, give a bow and walk of.

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