64 : Second Half of the Tournament Begins

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(2 Days Later)

"Good morning KIP. Today we reach the last day of the first half of the tournament. Then we shall start the 2nd and more intensive competition of the Tri School Tournament. Best of luck to all the contestants who are clashing today." Diantha says into the microphone following which she walks off.

"So who are you matched with Sere?" Ash asks.

"Trevor." Serena replies.

"Aah. Your friend from Vaniville Town." Ash comments.

"What about you?" Serena asks.

"I am with Tierno." Ash replies.

"Well let's just get it over with shall we." Serena says with a sigh.

"Yup. Let's do that." Ash says.

(Little While Later)

"The 3 on 3 match with no substitutions between Ash and Tierno will now commence. Trainers are you ready?" Referee asks. Both trainers nod.

"In that case send out your first Pokemon." Referee shouts.

"Ludicolo. Let's go." Tierno says while tossing his poke-ball.

"Lucario stand by." Ash says while sending out his Pokemon.

"Battle Begin." Referee shouts.

"Ludicolo use Razor leaf." Tierno commands as Ludicolo dances around.

Ludicolo uses Razor leaf but Ash doesn't even respond. Lucario simply takes the Razor Leaf while treating it more like a pesky annoyance than Pokemon move.

"Hydro Pump." Tierno shouts.

"Deflect it." Ash says in a dismissive lazy tone.

Lucario brings it's hands together in form of a fist, raises it above his head and then brings it down to smash the incoming beam of Hydro Pump causing it to dissipate.

"Perhaps if your Ludicolo put more power and seriousness in its moves than dancing you might be able to put up a fight." Ash says.

"Fire Punch let's go." Tierno commands as Ludicolo charges at Lucario.

"Alright fun time is over. Put him in place with Aura sphere." Ash says. Lucario powers up an Aura Sphere then keeps it between the palms of his 2 hands. He waits patiently and lets Ludicolo get close before smashing the Aura sphere into Ludicolo's torso, sending it flying across the field to get smashed on the field while landing in front of it's trainer.

Tierno quietly return his Ludicolo back to it's Poke-ball then sends out his Blastoise.

"So it's Blastoise's turn next." Ash says.

"Blas Blas Blastoise." Blastoise says as it take battle stance after doing a few flips.

"Blastoise use Rain Dance. Then Hydro Pump full power." Tierno commands.

"Defend with Bone Rush." Ash says as Lucario forms a Bone Rush and the Bone Rush spins in Lucario's hand forming a shield which deflects the Hydro Pump.

"Use Extreme Speed with Thunder Punch followed by Hyper Beam." Ash commands. Lucario gives a roar then charges towards Blastoise.

"Blastoise withdraw." Tierno shouts in a panicked tone.

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