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"uhm taehyung?" you asked.

"you can call me tae" he corrected you and winked.

"yeah uh well tae, you're going the wrong way." you started laughing.

you turned around and he followed you. he let go of your wrists and put his hands in his pockets.

as the two of you walked down the halls, there was a silence yet again. you were deep in your thoughts, still thinking about what had just happened.

"ae, is this it?" tae asked pointing to a door with a sign on it that read copier room.

you nodded and walked in.

you both walked towards the printer and reached for the papers.

taehyungs hand laid gently overtop of yours as he was grabbing some of the papers.

he didn't move it though, he just let it sit there.

you looked up at him and blushed, as he looked at you and smiled.

you quickly ended this moment and grabbed the papers out from underneath his hand.

you started walking towards the door until taehyung stepped in front of the door and closed it.

"we sh-should get back t-to class" you stuttered

"no we shouldn't" he said grabbing the papers from your hands and throwing them onto the ground.

he cupped your face and kissed you once again.

but something changed.

this kiss was a little less vigorous than the one by the lockers.

something changed inside you, too.

you had completely forgotten about the world around you. in this moment it was only you and taehyung. no jungkook, no teachers, no one. just you two.

and in that moment, you kissed back.

you felt an immediate spark.

taehyung smiled and continued to kiss you.

you placed your arms around his neck and smiled back.

after a few more seconds of this wonderful moment, taehyung pulled back.

"atta girl." he said patting your head and walked out of the door.


wow ok i think i forgot how to write sorry

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