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eun aes pov~

i began breathing in and out, faster and faster.

i felt the persons hands move down to my shoulders and turned me around.

i squinted my eyes, not knowing what was going to happen next.

"hey you can open your eyes you know" a familiar voice said.


"jesus taehyung what are you doing?"

"first off, it's kim taehyung to you."

i rolled my eyes.

"second off," he continued "i need a ride."

"a ride to where exactly?"

"that party you're going to"

"how did you know i was going"

"i have my ways"

aish this boy is a stalker.

"im not giving you a ride. get your own" i snapped and turned around.

he grabbed my shoulder, turning me to him.

"please" he pleaded as he pouted his lip

"i said no"

i looked down at my phone to see that mee had texted me, 307 times.

mee: hey you almost ready?

mee: helloooooo?

mee: you there?

mee: are you okay?

mee: did u die?

mee: cmon pls answer.

mee: im gonna break into your house if you don't respond soon.

mee: hellloooooooooooo?

mee: ae?

mee: please respond ;-;


taehyung was still standing behind me with     (j) hope that i would take him with me.

i sighed,
"ok fine just don't do anything stupid."

he smiled at me with a boxy smile and started jumping up and down like a kid who just got a new toy.


as we arrived at the party, taehyung split ways from mee and i.

mee and i walked over to the counter and took sips of our drinks.

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