twenty seven.

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our lips parted from each others. i looked back up at jimin who laid a soft gaze upon me. he sent me a gentle smile, in which his slightly crooked tooth was peeking through. his silky hands took mine in his and made a light pink blush spread across my cheeks.

the happy sensation i was feeling didn't last long before fear quickly took over. my eyes widened when i noticed taehyung standing in the doorway, his jaw dropped to the floor. i pulled myself out of jimins grasp and ran towards taehyung.

"babe—" jimin shouted after me


and with that word taehyung ran. i did not intend to hurt taehyung. nor did jimin. i never saw jimin in that way and jimin didn't think of me in that way either. things just got out of hand.

"taehyung" i shouted his name, trying to catch up. tears began streaming down my face until i realized he was too far away to hear.

it saddened me knowing that taehyung thought the wrong thing. that he thought jimin and i would go behind his back. that he didn't know the whole story.

but who knows,
maybe it was for the best.

i slid down the wall, face in my hands.

"ae im so sorry i didn't mean to-"

i pulled him into a tight hug.

i didn't care that jimin caused all of this. that he made taehyung mournful. that i lost taehyungs trust. but i needed someone to hug. someone who would care for me, and be there for me.

and that person was park jimin.


im so sorry for the short chapters pls forgive me ㅠㅠ

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