Life for a Life

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Magnus' feet landed in his living room and only saw Alec lying on the couch, but he didn't see Echo. "Echo?" Magnus quickly went up to Alec to make sure he was still alive before looking around the loft again, "Echo, are you here?" The Warlock wasn't sure whom to worry about more. If he lost his connection with Echo, he might not be able to bring her back, but he was also concerned the same for Alec.

Magnus let out a sigh and decided to kneel next to Alec's side and take his hand. Magnus whispered to himself; "Come back. Please come back." But he wasn't sure if it was for the Shadowhunter or Echo. Magnus let out another breath, "Alec, I'm all out of answers. I've tried everything." Magnus' expression shifted when he realized that he had one more option left; however mythical it sounded.

Magnus swallowed before he slowly kissed Alec in hopes of him waking up with true loves kiss, but when Alec didn't make a sound, Magnus fell into despair again. The Warlock's hopelessness only lasted a moment before he heard a small and painful shout from behind him. Magnus quickly looked behind him and found Echo on her hand and knees, hunched over. "Echo." Magnus' expression was a sigh of relief until he noticed that Echo was in pain.

Magnus left Alec's side and knelt down next to her, "What's wrong?"

Echo sat back on her legs but held onto her stomach, "Teleporting both of us, I think it weakened me. I can feel him and our connection slipping."

Magnus let out a sigh, "We don't have much time."

Echo let out a painful breath, "I don't know how much longer, I have either Magnus. This might be it."

Magnus shook his head, "No, I am not going to lose either of you."

Echo let out a breath, "There isn't much we can do. Jace is the only thing that can help Alec."

Magnus clenched his teeth, "If Alec get's through this—"

Echo interrupted him, "When."

Magnus pulled in a breath, "When. I know he will be a different person without you."

Echo felt her stomach start to sink in and she winced, "Tell Alec that I love him, okay? I told him I wanted you two to be happy."

Magnus shook his head, "Alec loves you so much, Echo."

Echo felt her tears start to form in the back of her eyes, "This is really it, isn't it? I can feel him fading."

Echo slowly and painfully pushed herself up to standing as Magnus stood with her. Echo stumbled to Alec's side and collapsed next to his left arm and looked down at the rune on his wrist. Echo looked down at her own hand before she connected the two together. Echo wasn't focused on what was suddenly happening behind Magnus, she was worried about her last moments with Alec; at least this time she could say goodbye.

Echo saw Isabelle and Clary walk into the living room and up to Alec. Neither Isabelle nor Clary could see Echo, but Isabelle knew that she was close by. Echo leaned her head against Alec's arm and let her tears fall from her lashes. Clary suddenly spoke and it made Echo's heart sink.

"Where's Echo?"

Magnus and Isabelle glanced at each other before Magnus spoke, "She is closer than you think."

"Alec." Every head turned to Jace who was slowly entering the room. Magnus pulled in a breath and met Jace halfway. The Warlock passed Jace the Parabati stone with a worried expression. As Jace approached Alec, Isabelle and Clary parted, but Echo stayed connected to Alec as she silently cried.

Jace knelt down next to his Parabati and took his hand with the stone in the middle of their palms. The stone immediately started to glow gold with the touch. Jace pulled in a breath before he started his words, "Entreat me not to leave thee or to return from following after thee." Jace pulled in a large breath and underneath Echo's head Alec gave a pulse to his body; the stone falling from their palms.

Echo let out a cry and gently pulled away from Alec, "No! Magnus, he's slipping." Echo clung to Alec tighter as his breath started to wheeze. Echo could feel her own image start to become weaker.

Jace put a hand on Alec's cheek and kept his words, "Thy people will be my people, thy God will be my God."

Echo's being took in a breath before Jace continued. She could feel Alec fade; "When thou diest, I will die. And there will I be buried." Jace's words started to come out in gasps due to his tears, "The Angel do so to me."

Echo's eyes slowly started to close as she slipped from Alec's arm and onto the ground with their hands still clasped.

Magnus took a step forward with fear, but he knew he couldn't do anything. The stone next to Alec on the ground slowly flickered before the golden glow completely vanished. Both Echo and Alec let out a slow exhale. They had let out their last breath together. Magnus let out a breath when he saw Echo slowly vanish from his sight. The Warlock looked down at Isabelle and she knew that Echo was gone as well as her brother.

Jace let out a breath before he pulled Alec's limp body into his arms. Jace tried so hard to keep his tears in his eyes as he spoke his next words, "And more also, if aught but death part thee and me." Jace paused, "Please don't leave me, Alec." His voice cracked as he silently sobbed.

But what came next was a blessing, "If aught but death part thee and me." Alec's voice was weak and slow, but he was certainly heard.

Alec looked up at Jace before the two embraced in a real hug as the two cried with each other, but the tender moment was tarnished by Aldertree's voice.

"Jace Wayland."

The wet-eyed family looked up, "You are hereby sentenced to the City of Bones to await trial for the charge of high treason and aiding Valentine in the war against the Clave."

Jace had stood from his Parabati to face Aldertree and his men. Alec had heard the words and tried to stand up, "Wait, what? What the hell is going on?" Alec leaned against the back of the couch as Jace looked back, "It's okay, Alec. All that matters is you're back."

The men that were with Aldertree quickly took Jace into their grasp and pulled him from the loft. Nobody dared to follow them knowing, full well, that if they did they would be prosecuted as well.  

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