Bow for a Blade

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Echo heard the conversation before she realized whom it belonged too. She heard Jace and Alec in her mind, but she was more focused on what Alec was feeling. Alec hated himself. Echo took a step forward and suddenly she was on the roof just as she saw Jace rush to the edge. Jace looked down as Echo spoke, "Did he jump?"

Jace's body flinched when he suddenly heard Echo's voice.

The twin turned around with his heart slightly racing, "You know, I'm not used to you suddenly teleporting."

Echo licked her lips, "Sorry."

With the way that Echo looked with her red eyes, jet-black hair, grey skin, she didn't seem to give off the aura of violence. Jace remembered Valentine telling him that he would eventually succumb to his demon side and would want to kill; he didn't feel like that was what Echo wanted.

Jace shook his head, "He just needs space."

Echo nodded, "Figured." There was an awkward silence for a moment, "Uh, how's Izzy?"

"She's, uh, good." Jace strained his lips and Echo bit her lip. It was awkward between the twins and neither of them knew how to fix it.

Jace suddenly cleared his throat, "You haven't, uh, seen Clary have you?"

Echo put her hands into her back pockets as she shook her head, "Her and Simon went off somewhere. I don't think she wants to be here."

Jace nodded, "Right, well when you see her just tell her that I, uh—" His words slowly died just before Echo's phone went off.

The tone startled both of them. Echo pulled the device from her pocket and shrugged, "Speaking of," She answered the phone and put it on speaker, "Hey Clary, Jace and I were—"

"How did you come back?"

Echo was confused, "What?"

"Ec, you were dead, how did you come back?"

Jace's eyes widened slightly; he did not know this information. Echo shook her head.

"Clary," Echo let out a gentle sigh, "You can't bring mom back."

Clary's words were rushed, "Maybe we can. If you tell me how you came back, maybe we could do the same with mom."

Echo stressed her lips, "It's more complicated than you think. Where are you, I'll meet you."

"I'm with Simon. Ec, just tell me."

Echo glanced up at Jace knowing that he was curious too, "I don't know exactly how it worked, but I was with Alec when he died for the moment at Magnus'."

"With him?"

Echo folded one arm but kept her left out to keep the phone centered between her and Jace, "My soul was with him. I was holding his hand when we both died then suddenly I was waking up in the Morgue." Echo shrugged her shoulders, "Magnus said that our souls were connected when we got married. I guess it is really rare, but the connection acts like a Parabati rune."

"Maybe I can talk to Magnus, maybe he knows more." Clary sounded so hopeful and Echo felt guilty for feeling nothing.

"Clary, you can't bring mom back."

Clary gave a stressed sigh, "You came back! There has to be someway."

The call suddenly clicked and the conversation ended. Echo let out a sigh before she pocketed her phone and looked up at Jace.

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