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Hello mates, how was your day?

It was a nightmare to upload this chapter. XD The computer charger is broken and I normally type most of it on there. I don't edit ( I'm waiting until I'm finish the story) but I do like to use spell check because I don't really recognizes mistakes. So, if ya see any let me know? Thanks :3




        After I made it up the stairs, I ran down the hallway tripping a couple of times but caching myself before any real damage could be done.

        Once I was all the way down the hall, trying to get as far away as I could from the not so friendly doggy boy, I was standing in front of the last door of the hall. I put my hands on the door handle, twisted and pushed it opened. Walking in and shutting the door but hesitating about locking it behind me.

        Maybe I should leave the door unlock, so it's harder to find me because they have to check all the rooms. But who knows, doggy boy might be able to sniff me out. Turning around I saw gray walls and a huge bed cover in black pushed in the corner, there was a black desk in the other corner as well.

Time to find a place to hide.

        After looking around I saw two doors and a window. I ran to the window, opened it and looked out. There looked to be trees everywhere, well that makes sense I'm in the woods. Okay, there's bushes underneath me and by the look of it I would get seriously injured by the thorns, if I jumped. Leave a blood trail when I run and get caught anyway. I backed away from the window and checked the first door, which turned out to be a closet, half the size of my room, filled with clothes, that nicely lined the sides of the huge closet.

        Another horror movie move if I hide in there.

        I decided to check out the second door, I walked over to it and opened it, a bathroom, not much better but better than a closet. I turned back around and looked around the grey and black covered room to find something to defend myself with.

        There looked to be a kitchen chair of sorts with papers and folders on it by the black desk in the corner of the room. I walked over to it and on top of it was a couple more stacks of paper and folders, a laptop, and pens scattered across the surface. I ran to the desk grabbed a couple of pens, for what you may ask?

        To stab people, of course.

        I then put the pens in my pocket and picked up the papers and folders off of the chair and sat them on the floor next to it, trying to make minimum sound and dragged it to the outside of the bath room. Okay, so all I have to do is brake off the front to leg or legs and I have something to defend myself with... mess up and I could brake one of the back legs off and I have nothing to keep the guys or more importantly Doggy boy out.

        I mean really what is wrong with him?

        I grabbed the door handle of the bathroom, to keep myself from falling, I then grabbed the chair next to me and layed it on the ground, I jumped up and landed on one of the front legs. Nothing, I stepped down of the leg and tried it again, but laned on it wrong, and slipped. The leg,vwhich desided to snap underneath me, let out a loud 'CRAK' sound. I let out a small scream as the sharp end of the leg persied the skin on my right arm and draged up my arm as I fell to the floor.

        "Fucking aye!" I yelled as I tried to blink back tears. I then looked down at my arm to see how bad the damage is, there was a long gash that stated from my wrist and went up to my elbo. It was really deep, not enough to the point that I would blead out if I didnt get asistents immediately but i'm prety shure I was close to it. There was also bits of wood sticking out of my arm. Okay, OW, but I need to get this out before I cover it up. I hesitantly reached my arm out and pooled out the first piece, with a low hiss and then pulled at a another piece.

        I watched as the blood started to come out in what seemed like a never ending flow and it only got worse with piece of wood I pold out. Shit, shit, shit, shit! Deciding to leave it alone, I brought my bleeding arm up to my stumic to try and keep presser on it, resulting in my black shirt turning darker from the blood. I walked over to the first door I opened and grabbed the first thick t-shirt I saw in the closest , and yanked it off the hanger. I stepped back and held my arm in front of me wincing from the pain and began taking to rap it.

        After a couple minutes of yelling curse words kicking walls to the point it left holes in the drywall and the shirt sliding off my arm or getting stuck on some of the wood pieces. I was finally able to get it to stay in place. I walked back to the bathroom picked up the chair leg that decided to attack me and sat it on the bathroom sink. I then walked back over to the evil chair, picked it up and walked in to the bathroom and closed the the door. I tock the chair and shoved it under the doorknob .

        Hopefully that will keep them out.

        Yeah right, doggy boy looked like he could rip my head of and his eyes and teath, looked demotic.

        I looked around the bathroom and saw a window. Well that would. be a good back up escape plan if I could afford to lose anymore blood, Mabye this gash is one of thouhs things when I need to get help or bleed out.

Well I can't just walk out of the room and go "Hey, Mr. kidnaper friends, think you can take me to a hospital because I got beat up by a chair?", Yeah, I think that would work just fine and doggy would enjoy having me as a afternoon biscuit.

        I walked over to the sink and picked up the chair leg and waited by the door to f some people up like the bad ass I'm not.


Thanks for reading! I wanted to do a long update and have a wolf's PROV In it. But I have finals Monday- wenday, I need to study ( not going to happen) but as soon as school is over I'm holding to have longer updates!

Have a lovely day!

Kidnapped By My Werewolf Mate? (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now