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I petty sure this is what you call a filter. Woops.

I'll make it better tomrrow!

Haha nope! You all can wait untill I edit the story(which it needs a lot of)


"I bet you want to know what's going on, huh?" The girl smile up at me, her light hair framed her face perfectly. I didn't anwser but looked down at my feet insteed. She's was currently cleaning out the wounds on me starting with the worst, my feet. It's so freaking painful, all I wanted to do was tell her to stop but she's been the nicest to me and even helped me out. I really hope she not like him.

"A-are." my mouth felt extremely dry so I liked my lips, "Are you going to tell me why I'm here?" I felt the tears welled up in the corners of my eyes, don't show weakness. I closed my eyes and calmed myself down, I'm okay, everything is going to be okay. No, no, nothing is going to be okay again, there's no way I can escape all of these people. I took a beep breath and opened my eyes up and looked down at the girl, she was staring up at me, the smile she greated me with gone and replaced with a frown. She shook her head no and went back to cleaning my leg. I said nothing and waited untill she was done.

"All done!" she clapped carefully, scaring the crap outta me,, I looked up and noded, then turned my attention back to the floor.

"Well, it's getting late."She muttered clearing her throat clearly uncomfortable," We should get you back to bed... in Dustin's room." I nodded once more, then what she said hit me, his room?

"No!" I stood up and started shaking my head back and forth, "Please, is there no where else I can stay?" I asked pleading. I just stood there not moving waiting for a yes. I am not going back into that room. After what I saw him turn in to? No way.

"Fine!" the woman in front of he huffed, "Alpha is going to kill me! You can sleep with me in my room."

"Thank you!" I yelled in excitement and I couldn't help but to grinand wrap my arms around her, hugging her tightly. I recently let go after what seemed to be a few minutes. She took my hand and led me out of the kitchen and down the hall way, I followed will out asking any questions, not wanting her to change her mind. I could barely see anything it'schange her mind. I could barely see anything it's amazing I didn't fall on my face especially since my feet hurt so much. After a couple of seconds in the dark the woman I was following suddenly stopped causing me to stumble a bit but lucky I didn't run in to her. I heard squeaking of a door and a light flooad out, lighting the dark hall way. I followed her in and she shut the door behind me. As soon as we walked in she walked to a dresser, I looked around the room, it was plain white... everything and I mean everything is white. I heard the dresser door shut and I looked back over to the woman I don't know the name of, she was caring cloths in her hand. She handed them over to me and I gratefuly took them and whispered a low "Thank you." She turned around and I guess that's my que to change. I slid of the muddy cloths and was carefully to not let it touch the white carpet. I looked over and was glad to see girl underwear and a bra. I slipped them and the put on the plain cloths, a white t-shirt and pink short shorts.

"I'm done." I said aloud and waited for her to turn around. "You never gave me your name."

"Oh! Silly me! I'm Amy." she said cheerfully.

"Amy, I would say it's nice to meet you but considering the circumstance..." I said trying to make light of things, "And I'm Rebecc-"

"I know who you are." Amy interrupted and walked over to her bed and sat down. "Come sit and let's talk about what happened, now I can't tell you everything, it's not my place to say, but I'm not tired and I don't think you'll be able to sleep either." I noted and quickly walked over feeling excited, I'm going to get answers!

"So I guess you want to know what happened outside right?" I noded and held my breath, I'm actually going to get answers, I can't screw this up, "What you saw out side was Alph- Dustin turning into a wolf. His wolf, Spencer, thought you were going to get hurt with out him right there." Amy looked at me and I waited for her to continue.

"Who is Spencer?" I asked when it was clear she was not going to continue, with out me saying anything.

"We all have wolves inside of us, if we get to angry or feel like someone is a threat. They take over. They have names because it's a second soul living in us, sharing the same body. Our parents look at them like a second kid." Amy said waiel looking at the ground playing with the white blanket.

"W-we as in you too?" I asked, please say no, please say no.

"Yes, me too." She looked at me closely, as if I'll run as soon as she said that. My breath quickened and I wanted to run but if I do I'll lose all change of getting answers.

"So why am I here?" I asked licking my lips. Her eyes widen and she suddenly jumped of the bed.

"Well would you look at that!" She clapped and laughed nervously "I'm suddenly extremely tired!" She ran over to the light switch, turning it off and then jumped to bed before I even had a chance to ask her anything. Dang, she sure can run fast.


To be honest when people bug me to update, I probably will. it lets me know you like it. XD

Kidnapped By My Werewolf Mate? (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now