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I got so many vote and reads sence yesterday (dubled) it's almost at 10,000!




Not wanting to argue with him I agreed, it can't be to bad, right?

"Okay, what room?" I asked avoiding eye contact with him.

"What do you mean what room?" Dustin asked, confusion laced in his voice, "There is a bathroom right there."

I looked up to see him pointing to the bathroom with no door. I can't locked myself in if there's no door! I quickly shook my head no. Not wanting to go through It again. I backed myself up against the bedroom door and started shaking my head no over and over. I felt the tears coming to the corners of my eyes. I tried to blink tears back and any and all thoughts of what Samuel did to me. I looked back up at Dustin to see him looking at me concerned. I tried to look unaffected about what's going on but me being me I failed miserably. Dustin started walking closer to me, his shirt covered in mud and his hair all over the place, some of it covering his face. I backed all the way against the door behind me. Dustin keeps walking closer to me. I turned my head to the side and keep my eyes closed. I finished away when I felt him grab my hand and dragged me with him.

"N-no, please." I cried, my voice cracking as I let out a slob.

"Here," Dustin said and grabbed my hand and placing something soft in it. "Go take a shower, I'll place clothes on the sink for when you are done.

"I-l don't need a s-shower." I said trying to keep my voice as strong as I can. "I-I can't."

"And why is that? You're not getting a different bathroom you tried to leave me."

"But I... I'm .... allergic to shower water!" Smooth, real smooth, I have an allergy to shower water?

"No, you are not." Dustin smirked with his head tilted to side.

"Yes...yes I am! How would you know if I was not?" I questioned him. He has no proof that I'm not.

"You were going to take one earlier." he said matter-of-factly.

"Well maybe I was lying to get away from you!" I yelled taking a steep closer to him and looking him in eyes. I saw him tense up and his eyes go black. He looked down at me and pushed me against the door. I flinched when when I felt him on my neck and he breathed in, just like before. Me and my big mouth!

"You will not leave me, understand?" His deep voice vibrates against my neck. How can someone have a soft voice then turn into some demon shit? And what does he mean 'I will not leave him'? I was never with him!

"Understand?" He yelled in my ear making me to afraid to say no. So, I quickly nodded yes. He backed up and nodded towards the bathroom. I didn't say anything and kept my head down towards the ground. I walked in to the bathroom and sat the towel down by the shower. I looked back into the room to check were Dustin is. I looked and saw him siting on the bed reading a book, his back on the was on the wall, and he's faceting me. I continue to stare at him reading until he lowered the book some and I saw he was shirtless. I looked back up and saw him looking at me smirking. I stepped into the shower and closed the curtain behind me. I stood there before I started striping. I threw my cloths by the towel the looked at the settings to turn on the shower

After probably five minutes I finally figured it out. I went under the water and let the beat on my back. I then looked around for something to get rid of the smell and dirt. I looked around and found a couple of bottles. I reached down and grabbed one. Men shampoo. Great, I just love smelling like a dude. I pored a little on to hand. I then rubbed it onto my hair and raised it out. I gabbed the body Wash.

Once I was sure I'm clean I turned off the water. I then peaked my head out to make sure Dustin is not in sight. When I didn't see him I leaned down and picked up the towel off of the floor and brought it into the shower. I wrapped the towel around myself and stepped out of the shower. I walked over to the sink. I basically ran when I had to pass the doorway. I walked over and picked up the cloths. There was a really big plain black shirt and boxers. Really? You want me to were this? I walked back over to the shower once again I ran past the doorway. I climbed back into the shower. I reached my hand out for my underwater and bra. Only to touch cold floor, I looked out of the shower and saw they were gone. No, no, what am I supposed to were under this? He wants me to just put this on and be a good little girl?

I muttered a few curses and drooped the towel. I then disgustingly slipped on the boxers and shirt. I stood there not wanting to go out there and definitely not wanting to be near my kidnapper.

"Are you coming out? Or do you need help?" Dustin voice ringed out from the bedroom.

"N-no, ... I'm fine!" I stuttered and walked out of the bathroom into the bedroom. Dustin was still siting on the bed, reading. When I walked into the room he put down the book. He looked me up and down and patted the spot next to him, with a light smile.

I quickly sock my head no and stayed were I was. The smile left his face and he sat up and swinged his feet off the bed. He stood up and walked over to me and stopped. He raised his hand and I instinctively flinched away and closed my eyes, preparing myself for the hit.

"Excuse me." Dustin's voice said calmly. I opened my eyes and slowly looked up at him. I saw him looking down at me and realized that he was trying to get into the bathroom. I moved over out of his way and looked back down at the floor. I heard the water come on.

"You better be on that bed when I come out!" His voice yelled causing me to jump. I hured the shower turn off and I ran to the bed. I sat on the far right, almost falng off. I brought my knees to my chest and polled the large shirt over them.

I looked at the back at the doorway of the bathroom and saw Dustin walk out with a towel wraped around his waist. He walked over to the clost and grabbed some cloths. He walked back into the bathroom.

A few minutes later he came hack out fully dressed he was wereing a white T-shirt and black shorts that came to his knees. He walked ove the the left side of the bed and sat down in the middle of it.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and put a hand on my arm. I backed away from his touch and heard him hulf.

"I'm not going to hurt you." His voice voice rising a litle, "We are ment to be togeter!"

"That's exactly what samuel said." I murterd before I could stop myself.

Kidnapped By My Werewolf Mate? (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now