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        I stood there frozen in fear. His eyes were so dark that I didn’t want to look directly at them. I looked away from his eyes to the towel rack on the ground. If he can do that to solid metal, what is he able to do to me? I looked back up to him and was that he was breathing heavily and staring directly at me. I don’t know is I should run and anger him more or stand here. If I ran he could catch me and make things ten times worse than it was. If I sated here he could be so angry that he’ll kill me or even worse , take me back to his house. What if he has terrible things planed for me? What if it’s worse then when I was with Samuel? No, I will not let that happen. I’ll keep fighting no matter how scared I am. It’s better to be dead than go back to like I was.

        I keep looking at him but backed up ever so slightly. I jumped when I heard what sounded was like a growl.  I stopped backing up and stared up at him. I saw his eyes narrow down at me, almost like a warning. A warning that I’m not going to take. I started to back up again which only seamed to make him even angrier; if that’s possible. It’s now or never. I looked at the towel rack one more time then back up at him before I darted right. I saw his hand reach out and with a small squeak I lifted it up out of his way, before he could grab it. I heard another growl when I did that. I didn’t stop to look but I could hear his footsteps right behind me. I continue to run around trees trying to throw him off with no luck on doing so. I looked behind me only to see nothing there. I stopped immediately and looked around. There was absolutely no sound what so ever coming from the woods. The only noise was my heavily breathing and my heart pounding in my chest. I looked around to see nothing. A man can’t just disappear! Unless he’s not a normal man. I should just run if he’s behind me and he expects me to turn around and I don’t then he’ll be thrown off. But what if that is what he wants me to do? He could be hiding behind a tree. I closed my eyes and slowly turned around, fearing what I might see. Once I made a one eighty, I took a deep breath and opened one of my eyes. Nothing, there is absolutely nothing! Both of my eyes shot upend and I turned around once again and ran. I let out a scream when I made contact with a tree and went to fall. Something reached out and grabbed my arm before I could fall. I let out anther scream and closed my eyes as I was slammed against something hard. I felt the bark of a tree digging into my back as I struggled against two large hands holding my tiny wrist. I’m completely powerless. With that thought I started fighting back more. The large hands brought my two hands together and I felt them being smashed in to one of his large hands. Even with one of his hands holding mine I still could not get out of his grip. I felt his other hand on my side holding me against the tree and he pressed his body against mine. No, no, please no, not again. He pushed my head into my neck and breathed in. My eyes shot open. Is he sniffing me?

        We stood like that for the longest time, me to scared to more or open my eyes and him lightly rubbing my side and what I guess to be smelling me. I’ve been covered in mud and sweating the holding tire time, there is no way I smell good.

        All of a sudden I felt him get off of me and I let out a shaky breath of relief and opened my eyes. He started to try and pool me along with him but I refused to move.

         “Let’s go.” I heard his deep voice tell me and he didn’t even look at me.

        “N-no.” I strutted and tried to pull my hand away. He turned his head and looked back at me, eyes narrowed, I hate when he does that, it’s so freaking scary. He looked forwarded and continues walking. I tried yanking my hand away from him but he just holds my wrist tighter make in it unbearable to keep pulling away vary long. I saw a root sticking up out of the ground and as soon as he walks over it I place the heal of my foot against it to keep him from pulling me any further and I tried to yank my hand away, once again. I see Dustin stop walking and just stand there not moving but still not letting go of my hand. I started to relax some, made he’ll let me go. Maybe he thinks I’m too much to handle.  I was pulled out of my thoughts with a scream when I was pulled against Dustin.

        That’s how the night went no matter how much I begged him or cried he would not say one word to me and would just pulled me along with him. The sun was coming up and I was too weak physically and emotionally to try and fight him. I almost pasted out a few times, only to be caught by Dustin with a worried look on his face.  Just becoming aware that he was right there was enough fear to wake me up for a little longer.  The sun was starting to come up and I just glad that the trees block out most of the sunlight so it’s not as hot.

        Everything started to get brighter so I looked up and saw that we were right in front of the house I escaped from. I started to panic and tried pull away again only to be pulled against Dustin chest again. The sun was shining over the house and there are people around it. They looked to be fighting each other. I was still trying to get away with no luck, leaving me no choice but to fallow.

Kidnapped By My Werewolf Mate? (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now