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Thank you all for putting my mind to ease about adding Cole back in! I honestly thought it was an bad idea but Thank you to all you lovely people who commented!

I'm a little iffy about this part but all well!


"Cole?" I whisperd in disbelieve. There is no way he's here!

"What are you doing here, Rebecca?" Cole asked, not even bothering to hide the disgust from seeing me, wow, what a d!ck.

"Ask the big bad wolf, he's in his bed room!" I shouted and to think he use to be the one person I could talk to or run to if I needed him and all I want to do is eather breake down and cry or punch him on the face.

"No, he asked you." A voice from the side snorted unattractively. I turned my head to the side and saw Anglia hanging on the Cole's arm with her boobs hanging out of a shirt that was far to small for her.

"Cole, why are you here?" I asked, shoving my hands behind my back in the hopes I wouldn't do something stupid.

"I'm here because I need to see Al-" Cole stopped and cleared his throat, "I mean Dustin." he finished shifting. uncomfortably.

"Alpha?" I smirked, let's test this over protective thing I've heard about, shall we? "Yes, I know him, in fact I found out that I'm his mate, after he kidnapped me. We are not close but I'm still sure he would just love to see my Ex-boyfriend!" and for extra effect I jumped up and clapped my hands happily.

"Hey, dimwit?" I looked up at Anglia still smiling smugly.

"Yes, blonde bimbo, whoops. I ment Anglia." I smiled innocently at her. She let out a growl as her eyes changed... just like Dustin. I felt my smile falter a little but quickly faked one. She's a werewolf thing? Does that mean Cole is also one? I looked away from Cole and back to Anglia, waiting for her to continue.

"You do realize that Cole was with me the whole time, right? And that he was faking it with you?" She smirked, oh how I want to reach over and slap it right off of her coloring book of a face, "The funny part is all I had to do was ask, mates are great, huh?" Mates, they are mates. I felt tears come to the corner of my eyes, I didn't even hace a chance to be upset with me not having his arms to run to anymore, I quickly blinked back tears and brought my head up to look at both of them.

"Yes, I know. I just thought saying he's a Ex is better then going 'Hey, since you're my mate I think you should meet the guy that pretend to care about me for a prank.' Oh, did I forget to mention that my mate is also the Alpha?" I looked over and saw the coloer drain from Cole's face, making my smile grow even larger, "Well, chow!"

"Rebecca!" Amy screached, grabbing a hold of my arm and dragging me into a empty room.

"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"What did you do?" She turned around and faced me, her normally happy face is now full of anger and her eyes on the verge of going black, as if she's trying to hold it back.

"What are you talking about?"

"Alpha is kicking Cole and Anglia out of the pack because of something you said! He almost killed Cole!" She yelled and walked towards me making me back up against the wall, the nice ones are always the ones you don't want to make angry.

"Alpha over heard you say something and then beat the living carp out of Cole almost killing him untill a couple wolf's pulled him off of him Now he's kicking them out of the pack!"

"Okay?" I said slightly confused, so what if they're getting kicked of of Dustin little club?

"You don't understand! They will become Rogue! If that happens they will not have any protection and will be hunted!"


"Yes, hunted! That's if they're lucky, some people will do horrible tests or even torture them, you do remember what that's like, right?" I looked down at they ground and nodded. "You have to change his mind."

"Okay, what do I have to do?" I looked up and waited.


Dedicated to babikitty13! She has been so nice and gave me the idea to make Cole and Anglia to be mates and have Anglia make Cole do what he did when she commented and I felt she deserved credit! So thank you! I just want to hug you! :D

Kidnapped By My Werewolf Mate? (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now