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Dustin slowly opened his eyes, normally brown eyes were black. Dus- Spencer continued to stare at me. I cleared my throat uncomfortably while he just continued to stare at me with his completely black eyes leaving no white to be seen, making me even more freaked out.

"Le-Lets go for t-that walk, Aye?" I nervously asked, Spencer didn't reply but nodded and stood up. He walked over to the office door and opened it and held it open, looking at me. I soon got the message that he was holding open for me.

"T-thanks." I whispered, he didn't reply but continued to stare at me. When I walked out of the room he slammed the door shut, causing me to jump.  I looked back towards him and stepped to the side.

"A-after y-you." I laughed nervously and motion him foward with my hand. He just stood there staring at me, "Or I'll go! Y-you know ladies first and all." I walked ahead of him and mentenly slapped myself, ladies first, really?

I reached the front door, opened it, and steeped out, holding the door open. Something rammed into me causing to fall with a scream of surprise. On instincts, I put my hands underneath me. My bad hand got caught underneath me and the weight of the other person on top of me was crushing it, I couldn't help but let out a cry of pain. I looked up to see the person's face but before I could get a good look the man, he was pulled off of me.

"I told you to make sure she didn't leave, not to tackle her to the ground!" Spencer yelled,  I slowly sat up and placed my throbbing hand in my lap, I looked up to see Spencer holding a Guy to the ground. The guy looked scared sh!tless.

"S-Spencer." I mumbled, hoping to distract him and luckily he turned to look at me. He dropped his hold of the guy and I sighed in relief when he walked away from him and towards me.

"Are you okay?" Spencer asked, crouching down in front of me, and lifting my head to inspect my face, "You look a little white."

I nodded and Spencer started to stand up, getting ready to go after the guy again.

"Leave him." I whispered and grabbed Spencer hand, he stoped but still looked like he wanted to go, "Please." After a while of him just sitting there he finally turned around. When I was sure has wasn't going to 'wolf out' I started to stand up, Spencer helped me and let me lean against him.

Spencer lead me to a 'trail' of sorts in the woods. He was still not saying anything, he wouldn't even look at me.

"Arn't aren't you going to say anything?" I asked, hoping for a answer but got nothing instead.

"How are you?" Nothing.

"Can I slam your face into a tree?" Still nothing.

"Can you do it for me?" I asked annoyed, "Since you're stronger then my puny human body?"

He won't speak at all! All I want to do is yell as Dustin but I can't Spencer is currently using the body... God that just sounds to weird. I can't take the silence anymore!

"Why won't you talk to me?" I yelled, not able to keep quiet anymore and I turned around to face him but before I continue on my rant my foot got stuck on something causing me to fall strait on him. But before I could do a face plant on his shoulder his arm wrapped around my side, turning me around, and he brought me in front of him. I was leaning backwards with my hands on his arms. He had one arm underneath my waist and the other supporting my back. He was staring down at me while I was clinging to his arms, afraid I was going to fall.

"Stop looking at me like that." He whispered and leand closer to my face untill he was barely inches away."l

"Li-like what?" My face red from him being so close.

"Scared." he mumbled, searching my eyes, "Why are you so afraid of me?"

"I-I'm not." I protested.

"Don't lie, you my not feel the connection but I can... you're afraid of me... How can I change that?" He stood up, bring me with him and pulling me into a hug to the point he was almost smashing me in his hug. I was barley touching the ground and he made sure that I was smugly against him. I placed my hands on the back of his shoulders, one hand griping a hold of his shirt and the other one resting there awkwardly.

"Let's go inside, and finish this?" I offered, I felt him nod against my neck and slowly let go but took my hand in his. I was getting ready to pull my hand away but just one look at his face and I couldn't.  He just looks so... broken.

(A/N -I was going to stop here but lets keep going, shall we?)

We walked back to the house in silence, it wasn't awkward or anything... it was nice. Spencer still had a death grip on my hand, making it hurt but I didn't say anything because it seemed to be cheering him up. That and we we're getting ready to past the guard, I tightened my grip on his hand when we got closer to the house. Spencer stopped when we reached 'tackle boy' but made no attempt to remove his hand from mine. The guard looked up a Spencer and Spencer... growled at him... teeth showing and everything reminding me of a dog I use to have.  Before I could stop myself I reached up and flicked him on the noise. Spencer pulled his head back, confused,  and watched my hand as I withdrew it, out of biting zone. He then looked at me.

"Bad," I muttered, pointing at him, and leaving out 'dog', I'm iffy about what I just did, I don't know if dog will play well with him. He looked at me a little longer and then realisation of what I did hit him.

"Why you little-" His lips lifted into a lopsided smile and he didn't finish his sentence but picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, and put his hand on my legs to keep me from falling. I put my elbow on is back and placed my head in my hands, and looks down. I could pants you right now, I laughed quietly to myself.

He walked up the stairs, which was not fun with his butt in my face, and went to his bedroom. He opend the door and shut it behind him. He walked a little more into the room and stopped. He brought me foward, placing his hand on my back, then letting go completely. I let out a scream and tried to grab him but he backed up before I could. I closed my eyes as I made contact with the floor but landed on something soft. I sat straight up and looked around ans threw myself back down when I realised what I was on, the bed of course. I felt the bed dip where I was at and I opened my eyes to see Spencer, hovering over top of me. My breath hitched when he lead closer to me and cupped my face. Before he could do anything else, like kiss me. I pushed him off of me and sat up. Hurt was written on his face.

"It's not that I didn't want to... it just I'm not ready." I grabbed a hold of the blanket underneath me, "Can we watch a movie?"

"Wait." He grabbed my face and turned it to look at him, "Does this mean I still get a chance?" He asked hopefully.

I nodded and his face seemed to light up.

"That's good enough for me" He picked me up and walked to the head of the bed and sat me down. He got next to me and pulled me next to him, he turned on the tv and wrapped his other arm around me, leaving me with no choice about to lay with him and I couldn't help but smile at that.


To be honest when ever I see comments I always get so happy but at the same time I freak out, afraid someone is going to hate that update. XD

(From now on I'll try to leave a dedication or a to be honest at the end of the part.)

Kidnapped By My Werewolf Mate? (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now