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"Amy!" I yelled excitedly when I saw her sort bouncy hair. Her head shot up and after a few seconds of confusion on her face she spotted me, she smiled and waved me over to her.

"Can I stay with you again tonight?" I asked once I got over to her. As soon as I asked that her smile disappeared from her face.

"I'm sorry." she looked up at me guilty, playing with the ends of her hair, "But Alpha said you have to sleep in his room from now on."

"What?" I screeched causing everyone I was trying to avoid to look at me, I looked down, face red from embarrassment "Can't I just go to your room and forget he said that?"

"Sorry, Alpha told everyone not to let you in their room and Alpha's orders are something I can't disobey I'm sorry." I looked back up at her giving her a small smile and walked away. Just because I can't sleep in her room does not mean I will go up to him. He's the one keeping me here, so there's no way I'll go up to him and give in to what he wants. I walked out of the kitchen and laid on the couch, facing it, closing my eyes.

I snuggled into the couch and felt it tighten its arm around me. Wait, couch do not have arms. I opened my eyes and leaned back a little. I held in a scream when I saw a chest moving up and down with each breath the person takes in and slowly looked up.


I walked around the house looking for my mate, her smell mixing in with all the werewolves that been in this house, their stronger sent crossing out her weaker human sent. After checking up stairs, I walked in to the kitchen and politely noded at two of my pack members sitting at the table having causal conversation. I changed directions and went into the living room. My mate was sound asleep on the couch, she's facing the couch with her leg brought up to her chest and arms wrapped around her self. I couldn't help but smile as I walked over to her.

Isn't She beautiful, Spencer asked.

Yes, she is, she may be hard headed but it will all be worth it when she's ours.

She's all ready is ours, he growl.

Yes, but she still needs to see that.

I put one arm under her neck and slowly started to lift her up. She turns around and snuggled into my chest, grasping a holed of my shirt, mumbled a few things that I couldn't even understand. A sleep talker, cute. I put my other arm under her legs and picked her up the rest of the way, she's to light, I frowned, and carried her upstairs. When I reached my door I propped me up on one arm and opened the door. I walked in, closing the door behind me, and went over to the bed. I moved the blankets out of my way and laid her down. Her hair went everywhere and she numbered a little in her sleep, turning around. I walked over to the other side and laid down next to her, carefully pulling the blankets over us and wrapped my arms around her, bringing her closer to me. I couldn't help but thinking this is how it should be.

I felt something trying to move my arm. I opened my eyes and saw Rebecca trying to get me to let go of her. With a light frown I pulled her closer to me, refusing to let her go that easily.

"Come on you stupid head, let go of me!" She whispered to her self making me hold in a laugh as she started poking me and trying to get me off of her. She's luck she my mate or eles Spencer might have gotten extremely angry at the lack of respect she has been giving me. I pulled her closer, then to mess with her I laid partly on her, trapping her even more. She let out what I would call a growl and started trying to push me off with all of her strength.

"Sorry, had, but there's no way you you can push me off." I laughed, unwrapping one of my arms to prop myself up and looked down at her face. She looked at me shocked then her face turned to pure anger.

"You were awake the whole time!"


HEY! Short updates don't bother you guys right? I prefer to do an update everyday and have them be short then once a week and longer. Does that annoy you?

Hey, come back, don't leave and let me know.

Kidnapped By My Werewolf Mate? (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now