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I have a computer to use! But they don't have word office, Also, I'm looking for a job so I can get a computer and spend more time on updates.




"Who is Samuel?" A deep voice beside me asked. I looked over and saw that Dustin's eyes were dark again. Does everything I say make or do make him angry ?

"N-nothing," I stuttered and looked away from his face. I placed my head on my knees, feeling the soft material on my face, and facing the floor. I closed my eyes to try to stop myself from crying. I can't show weakness, that's what they want. "He's nobody."

I let out a yelp of surprise when a hand grabbed my arm and pulled. I strained my legs out to try and catch myself. I felt myself being turned over and thrown on my back. I leaned on the bed facing the ceiling. I felt something climb on top of me and I looked up at Dustin with fear-full eyes. No not again! I can't do this. I felt him lower some of his weight on top of me, trapping me. I started thrashing around, doing everything I can trying to get away. I tried kicking him but it was no use he's basically siting on me, so my legs woun't hit him. I then went and tried to push, slap, or anything that get him off of me. With in no time I felt one of my hands get caught. I used my reaming hand to try and push him off. I placed my hand on what I guessed to be his chest and pushed. I keep trying pushing him off and away from me but it was like he was a brick wall. I felt a hand wrapped around mine and pulled me off of him. Dustin then pushed my hands above my head. He grabbed both of my hands in one of his and used the other one to touch my face. I felt my breathing get heavy and I started to panic even more.



I gently grabbed my mate's small hand of off my chest. I pushed I grabbed both of wrists in one of my hands. I quietly chuckled to myself when I realized how small she is. I used my free hand to touch her face. As soon as my hand made contact with her skin she started freaking out more, doing eveything she can to get away from. This shoudn't  happen! I am her mate, this should be calming her down!

Are you forgetting that she is a human? That she can not feel the pull towards us?

I know! I know but she should at laest feel something! If I can fell it th-

Humans don't feel anything. Now shut up and calm her down or I will!

I looked down at her face and touched her neck.

"No!" She shouted causing me to frown. I would never hurt her. I reached over and pushed hair off of her face which only caused her to cry even harder and violently shake.

"N-no... please don't." She cried, "Not again! I'll do anything!" 

"What are you talking abbot?" I asked her.

The only response I keep get from her is her screaming no and her trying to get away. I got off of her and laid on my side. I let go of her hands and grabbed a hold of her before she can get up. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. I then trapped her legs with one of my own. She used her hands to try and push me off.

"Please.." She whimpered. Her voice was so broken that it hurt me to listen to it. I didn't mean to freak her out.

"What's is your name?" I asked her.

"R-rebecca.. Cox." She chocked out between sobs.

"Shhh... It's okay. " I whispered in her ear and rubbing her back, "Everything's going to be okay."

I felt her hands grab a hold of my shirt and bury her head in my neck. I hugged her tighter and continue rubbing her back and telling her everything is okay.

I looked down at her when she stopped crying and notice she was asleep. she looked so peacefull and beautiful. I wanted to stay with her but I needed to figure out why she's acting like this. I slowly slid my hands from under her and stood up. Her hair was all over the pillow. Her face and body covered in scars, I wonder what happened to her, maybe it's the reason she's so freaked. Someone did this to her' I thought. I felt anger rising in me. This is my mate an I will kill whoever did this to her. I stood up and walked to the door. I unlocked the door and stepped out. I looked at her one last time before closing the door and walking down the stairs.

I walked into the pack house kitchen and saw some of the pack members and sat down at the table. I placed my head in my hands.

"Are you okay, Alpha?" A voice behind me asked. I turned around and saw a young girl.

"Yes, Amy, I'm fine, just mate problems. She's a human and extremely freaked out."

"Oh, well, What's her name?" she asked quietly giving me a small smile.

"Rebecca Cox." I smiled at how nicely it sounded coming out of my mouth.

"Hey! She has the same name as that girl thet went missing a couple years ago!"

"What are you talking about? What happened to the girl?" I asked I felt panic growing inside of me.

"Oh, you didn't see it on the TV?" She asked me.

"No, you know that I don't like watching a lot of TV"

"Anyway, it was horrible what happened to her. She went missing and when they found her she was almost dead. Turns out she was raped and tortured. There wasn't an inch on her body  that wasn't hacked up. She refused to talk to anyone for almost a year. I heard something about a guy helping her. Here," She said pulling out her phone and looked to be typing, "That's her before everything that happened." she said and handed me her phone.

I looked at the picture it was a beautiful face. There were no scares on her face what so ever. She had the biggest smile on her face. Her hair was extremely long a and flowed down her back in waves. Looking back at me was a happier version of my mate.

Kidnapped By My Werewolf Mate? (SLOW EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now