Dinner Date

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"Hey" he said to me

"Hi" I said looking away from his steel silver eyes.

'Tch' he clicked his tongue.

"You okay, darling?" My dad questioned raising an eye brow.

"I'm fine" I smilied.

"Great, why don't you and f/n go into the front room, while I help David make dinner?" Levi's mother, Maria asked, in a commanding voice.

'Tch' Levi repeted.

"I-i don't mind helping" I tried to insist.

"No f/n, this is a great chance to get to know Levi a bit more" my dad smiled. Taking Maria by the hand and walking into the kitchen.

"Come on, brat" Levi said walking past me into the front room.

He sat on the sofa, I sighed and walked into the room, I sat down at the other side of the couch.

He clearly noticed this and rolled his eyes.

I rested my arm on the chair and put my head on my hand.

"What?" Levi said coldly glancing at me.

I looked at him confused. "Idiot-" he was cut of by Maria walking in the room. "Dinner's ready!" she smiled deeply.

We both got up and went into the kitchen. Sat down at the table Maria and my dad sat across the table from me and Levi who sat next to each other, not by choice of corse.


My phone vibrated in my pocket, I took it out and it was Mikasa.

I held it under the table, she was blowing up my phone with worried text messages like.
'Answer me right now'
'you better not have done anything stupid!'
'F/n please' 'I'm litrally crying'

I quickly texted her "sorry Mika...my phone was of." Just as I was about to put it back in my pocket.


What she replied instently. "Omg f/n thank good! Are you alright?"

A smiled slightly at her message. At least she's always there and cares for me. "I'm fine, you?"


"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"F/n you know, don't be stupid, your mother of corse! I was so scared when you didn't reply!"

I was shaking so much I dropped my phone out my hands.


Everyone looked in my direction, Levi sighed and went to pick my phone up. Of corse he saw I was talking to Mikasa, I quickly grabbed my phone from him, to try prevent him reading my messages.

"Hey f/n, you know your not aloud to have your phone out at the table!" My dad said standing up.

"B-but dad I-" he stopped me.

"But nothing!" He shouted, "go to your room!"

I stood up, leaving my untouched dinner. I looked over my shoulder and saw Levi looking down his hair covering his eyes.

I walked into my room closed the door and sat in the corner of my room on the floor, across from the door.

Levi's Pov
I went to pick up her phone from the floor. I don't know why, natural instinct I guess. I looked at her phone while sitting up. Wow she still talks to Mikasa, wait? I started to read the messages between them both before  f/n grabbed her phone.

Her dad shouted at her, I felt so guilty I don't understand why. When she left, her dad sat back down.

"I'm sorry about that, I just had to punish her for being so rude" David explained.

My mother put her hand on his shoulder to comfort him "Oh, we understand I would have done the same thing to Levi" she smiled.

"So Levi, what do you think about you and your sweet mother moving in" David asked politely.

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't mind, but is it okay if I use the toilet"

"Of corse it's upstairs on your right" he smiled.

I nodded my head and headed up stairs. I sighed as I heard them laughing together.

There was a door slightly open. This must be f/n's room. I put my hand on the handle. 'Sigh' what am I doing, why has this brat made me feel sad.

I pushed open the door, and my eyes widened.

Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now