"I do"

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Me and Maria went to a hotel, we we're all going to stay there tonight after the wedding because they both wanted to get drunk. And the center, were the wedding was going to be was very close.

I started to head to the place with out Maria. Maria and some of her friends stayed in the hotel room to get somethings ready. I was going to get changed at the place.

I arrived at the place and looked around. There was a party hall up ahead, with the dinner room and kitchen to the right. The achual alter was to the left, I walked passed the alter and saw the bathrooms and the male/female changing rooms. Were the bride and groom would usually get ready of corse.

I went in the females and put my bag down before heading to the dinning room and started to organise the buffet table, to be helpful.

I was reaching over the table to place down a plate. I felt some strong arms slither around my waist, Levi embrace me from the back holding me close.

He sighed and lent his head on my shoulder "I love you" he wispered.

"I love you more Levi" I smiled slightly placing my hands over his.

There was a moment of silance before Levi let go and started to help me. "We should get ready soon" he said placing the last thing on the table.

"Right, is my father getting ready?" I asked.

"Yeah" he replied.

"Okay good. I guess" I looked at the floor.

He laughed slightly "it's alright... anyway do you have to put on makeup or anything because we have thirty minutes"

"Me wear makeup!" We both laughed "all I need to do is get changed" I added as we began to walk towards the room as Maria and two of her friends came in laughing.

"Oh right, this is f/n she's my new daughter!" she smiled gesturing me to them "and of corse you know my little boy Levi" she went to pat him on the head. He pushed away her hand in the most polite way he could.

I was greeted by the two women until one of them grabbed my wrist "oh my, we can get you ready, do your hair, makeup, dressed!" She cheerfully said.

I was being dragged down the hall following Maria and her friends as Levi followed. "No makeup and I can get changed myself!" I tried to struggle away.

Levi laughed and I tried to beg for help as the took me into the room were my bag was. Levi went into the male's with my father and a group of his friends.

Maria put on her dress on behind a dressing wall thing, her friends were already fully ready. Maria came out and we all complimented her.

"Now it's your turn!" Maria claimed excitedly handing me my dress.

"I really am not the dress type" I sweat dropped.

"Of corse you are, your cute!" One of her friends said pushing me gently behind the wall.

I unfolded my neat white bridesmaid dress and put it on.

It was white with gems around my waist. The bottom section if full of frills, it was of the shoulders with no straps. Luckily it was perfect fit so there was no chance of it slipping down.
*looks like this...u can have anything else if u want tho*

u can have anything else if u want tho*

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