First Love

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He took me into my room and closed the door. He sighed "I'm s-sorry" he appolagised.

"Why?" I smiled at him going into the bathroom in my room and gabbing two towels and a bandage, for Levi's hand he hurt.

He frowned "because I shouted at your father".

I handed him a towel "no. Thank you. For doing that I mean. I've never been able to talk to him. And you made him see that I said.

I rubbed the towel on my wet hair and Levi sighed again. "what's wrong?" I asked

He grabbed my hand and pinned me to the wall. I blushed brightly "Levi? What are y-" I was cut of by Levi's lips placed against mine.

He kissed me slowly, I released my clenched fist and returned his passionate kiss. He pulled my neck closer letting the kiss become deeper. I felt his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entance.

I felt my face heat up even more and opened my mouth slightly. Our tongues fought for dominance. But his won. We made out untill he pulled away slowly blushing slightly. A string of saliva going from his mouth to mine.

"Ahh" is the only thing I said as he pulled away, we were both panting heavily

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"Ahh" is the only thing I said as he pulled away, we were both panting heavily.

"I love you" I mutter panting slightly.

"I love you to f/n" me smirks and places his for head on mine.

"Levi, f/n come down here. We would like to talk to you." My father shouted.

I sighed closing my eyes, knowing what's to come wasn't good.
"Everything will be alright?" He says putting his hand on my check.

"Oh yeah, Levi I'm sorry I forgot, your hand" I said. His hand got cut open by the ground when protecting my head.

I pulled him gently by his wrist into the bathroom. "I'm sorry this might hurt a bit I claimed turning on the tap. I held Levi's hand in both of mine and slowly slide it under the tap.

"Shit" he said quietly, my eyes filled with tears. He noticed this when looking in the mirror at me. He sighed and wrapped his other hand, the left one around my waist.

"Why are you crying?" He asked as I dabbed a towel on his hand to dry it.

"Because. Your in p-pain, and it's my f-fault" I said with a tear dropping down my face.

He laughed quitely and said "it's not your fault, It doesn't hurt much anyway. Besides I had to do it to save your beautiful head" he smirked.

I bandaged his right hand and smiled.

"Thanks. But we better go see what 'they' want" he said.

I nodded my head and we went down stairs.

"Sit" Maria said calmly.
Me an Levi both sat next to each other on the sofa.

"Why did it take you so long we called you five minutes ago!" My dad said trying to stay calm.

I looked down and Levi just answered the question by raising him hand showing the bandage. His mother sighed.

"So Levi aren't you going to apologise to David?" His mother asked.

Levi stared at my father in the eyes coldly "David I'm sorry for shouting at you. However I'm not sorry for what I said"

Maria's eyes widened in disbelief "Levi! What has gotten into you young man!"

He shrugged his shoulders and looked a me before looking back at his mum.

"I want you two to both go to your rooms and think about what you've done!" Maria says.

We start walking up the stairs followed by my father he made sure we both went in our rooms and even locked our doors.

Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now